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(1). Writing competence(paragraph level) Band 4: Write a 150-to- 200-word article in 30 minutes/ a piece of 60 ord applied writing in 10 minutes (2)thinking ability(classification, analysis, contrast or comparison etc)
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:105.5KB 文档页数:29
Objectives The learners should be able to: (1) write an test-article with statistics (2)understand the different functions of different graphs. (3). write simple authentic report making use of statistics (4) convert text to graphs and insert graphs via word processor
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:445.5KB 文档页数:100
Band 3 Practice Exercise I.GRAMMAR Directions: There are 80 sentences in this exercise. Beneath each sentence there are four choices. Choose the word or phrase that you think best completes the sentence
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:45.5KB 文档页数:5
GRAMMAR Directions: There are 80 sentences in this exercise. Beneath each sentence there are four choices. Choose the one word or phrase that you think best completes the sentence
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:52KB 文档页数:5
GRAMMAR Directions: There are 80 sentences in this exercise. Beneath each sentence there are four choices. Choose the one word or phrase that you think best completes the sentence
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:6.01MB 文档页数:115
MasterCAM8软件是美国CNCSoftWare.INC.所研制开发的CAD/CAM系统,是最经济有效率的全方位的软件系统。包括美国在内的各工业大国皆一致采用本系统,作为设计、加工制造的标准。 第一章 MsterCAM8 的基础知识 第二章 旋钮实例 第三章 咖啡壶实体造型实例 第四章 闹钟实例
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Pre-Reading Activities Text New Word Reading Text A: Language Points .Newspaper Reading .Exercise Check-up .Assignment
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Background Information Organization of the Text Text New Word Reading Intensive Study Exercise Check-up Assignment
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1.文档的基本操作 2.文档编辑 3.文档的排版 4.表格的基本操作 5.图文混排 6公式编辑器的使用
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:1.79MB 文档页数:28
填写要求 一、请严格按表中要求如实填写各项。 二、申报表文本中外文名词第一次出现时,要写清全称和缩写,再 次出现同一词时可以使用缩写。 三、请以word文档格式填写表中各栏目。 四、凡涉密内容不得填写,需要说明的,请在本表说明栏中注明
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