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一、示例程序 main() int a, b,c; scanf(\%/od, %d\, &a, &b); c=a
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西方经济学(微观经济学,宏观经济学) 一、不定项选择题(每题1分) 1、平均收益等于边际收益的市场是:() A完全垄断的市场B完全竞争的市场 C垄断竞争的市场D寡头垄断的市场 2、古诺模型讨论的是()条件下的厂商行为。 A完全垄断的市场B完全竞争的市场 C垄断竞争的市场D寡头垄断的市场 3、根据基尼系数的大小,比较下列四个国家中哪一个国家的分配最为平均(): A基尼系数为0.43B基尼系数为0.23 C基尼系数为0.34D基尼系数为0.68
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Diffusion: Read Plummer Chap. 7, sections 7.1-7.4,, 7.53, 7.5.8 Show that c(zt) Wroexpfzla)I,with a=2VDf, is a solution to Fick's second law of diffusion. ac(z, t) dc(zt) 2. a) What is the intrinsic carrier concentration in Si at 1100 C? b) Calculate the effective diffusivity (including first-order, charged-vacancy corrections)for As impurities in Si at 1100 C for two cases: 1)CAs=10 cm and ii)
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1)Plot resolution and depth of field as a function of exposure wavelength for a projection aligner with 100nm
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I. Plot resolution and depth of field as a function of exposure wavelength for a projection aligner with 100nm< A <500nm. Assume NA=0.26. Recalculate on the same plot for NA=0.41. Discuss the implication of these plots for the technologist that must manufacture transistors with 0.5 um
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一、选择题(将最适答案号码填入括号,每题2分,共40分) 1.需求规律意味着,其他条件不变时() A.随着电脑价格升高,电脑需求减少 B.随着电脑价格升高,电脑需求量减少 C.随着入网费升高,电脑需求量减少 D随着入网费升高,电脑需求减少 2.如果作为必需品折某种蔬菜大量欠收,那么农收入一定() A.增加B.减少C不变D均有可能 3.如果某种电脑市场价格降低,以下哪个因素不是其成因() A.另一种更新、更先进的电脑上市 B该电脑生产技术扩散 C该电脑在生活、工作中的用途越来越广该电脑生产材料价格降低
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Write a compact sentence that describes the molecular origin of gas pressure, including its temperature and mass dependence. [51 A: P is due to change in momentum Ap = m Av of molecules striking a surface velocity Increases as VTm
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Evaporation and sputter deposition [15] 1. a)In the plasma of a sputter deposition system, consider an argon atom that is ionized during a collision in the plasma. i) Express the ratio of the acceleration of the liberated electron to that of the argon ion in terms of M and m, the mass of the ion and electron; give the numerical value of this ratio, and say in which
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This lab session will utilize photolithography and dry etching to transfer a pattern from a mask to a substrate. In Step 1. 1, the thickness and the refractive index of the silicon nitride film are measured. In Step
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AARON COHEN Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University Professor Aaron Cohen received a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University in 1952 and an M.S. degree in Applied Mathematics from Stevens
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