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In this lecture, we will revisit the application of Newton's second law to a system of particles and derive some useful relationships expressing the conservation of angular momentum. Center of Mass Consider a system made up of n particles. A typical particle, i, has mass mi, and, at the instant considered, occupies the position Ti relative to a frame xyz. We can then define the center of mass, G, as the point
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Inertial reference frames In the previous lecture, we derived an expression that related the accelerations observed using two reference frames, A and B, which are in relative motion with respect to each other. aA =aB+(aA/ B)'y'' 22 x (DA/ B) 'y'2'+ TA/B+ X TA/B). (1) Here, aA is the acceleration of particle A observed by one observer, and
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So far we have used Newton's second law= ma to establish the instantaneous relation between the sum of the forces acting on a particle and the acceleration of that particle. Once the acceleration is known,the velocity (or position) is obtained by integrating the expression of the acceleration (or velocity). There are two situations in which the cumulative effects of unbalanced forces acting on a particle are of interest to us. These involve:
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In this lecture we will look at some applications of Newton's second law, expressed in the different coordinate systems that were introduced in lectures D3-D5. Recall that Newton's second law F=ma, (1) is a vector equation which is valid for inertial observers. In general, we will be interested in determining the motion of a particle given
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We will start by studying the motion of a particle. We think of particle as a body which has mass, but has negligible dimensions. Treating bodies as particles is, of course, an idealization which involves an approximation. This approximation may be perfectly acceptable in some situations and not adequate in some other cases. For instance, if we want to study the motion of planets it is common to consider each planet as a particle
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CSA是剑桥科学文摘(Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)的简称。它由美国一家著名的私 人信息公司编辑出版,该公司出版科学技术研究文献的文摘和索引工具已有30多年的历 史。目前,CSA通过因特网可提供70多个数据库的检索服务。内容范围包括:生命科 学、环境与水科学、计算机科学、材料科学与工程、航空航天以及人文社会科学
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1.期权简史 2.股票期权 3.机构安排与交易制度 4.期权风险特征 5.期权价值的决定因素 6.期权平价关系 7.期权的下界 8.美式期权执行时机 9.期权策略
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20世纪70年代,以柠檬酸发酵工业建立为 里程碑,我国发酵有机酸工业进入了蓬勃发展 的新时代,逐步形成了柠檬酸、醋酸、乳酸、 苹果酸、衣康酸、葡萄糖酸、曲酸等品种较为 齐全的工业体系。尤其是近几年柠檬酸工业高 速发展,产量跃居世界之首,出口额突破了2 亿美元,成为我国单项化工产品出口额第一的 产品,标志着我国发酵有机酸工业的崛起
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大企业家威尔逊在美国通用电气公司董事长的职位上曾 这样说过:“我整天没有做几件事,但有一件做不完的工作, 那就是计划未来。”企业家的重任就是要在冒有风险或不确定 的条件下谋划着怎样去实现最大的收益,这的确是一件做不 完的工作,因为不确定的环境使得战略与策略的调整以至变 更成为永无终结的过程。证券投资人做的也是这样一件做不 完的工作
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1.土壤分类的基本概念和要求 2.中国土壤分类系统(重点) 3.美国土壤系统分类 4.中国土壤系统分类(重点) 5.土壤调查及其应用(重点)
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