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Chapter Objective: This chapter discusses the cost of capital for the multinational firm
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Chapter Objective This chapter discusses various issues associated withmultinational cash management
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The second column calculates Big Mac PPPs by dividing the local currency price by the American price. For instance, in Japan Big Mac costs¥22. Dividing this by the American price of$2.90 produces a dollar PPP against the yen of Y90, compared with its current rate of Y113, suggesting
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For many years a huge Manila garbage dump known as Smokey Mountain was a favorite media symbol of Third World poverty. Several thousand men, women, and children lived on that dump--enduring the stench, the flies, and the toxic waste in order to make a living combing the garbage for scrap metal and other recyclables. And they lived there voluntarily, because the $10 or so
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Economist.comOPINION Economics focus Stop worrying and love the deficit Nov 27th 2003 From The Economist print edition America's current-account deficit poses few dangers, says Alan Greenspan. Except to Europeans IN THE past year the United States has run up a current-account deficit of more than $500 billion. Some think that the line of credit extended by the res
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The Leadership Forum: The World in 2005 December 3rd 2004, London RESEARCH TOOLS Economist.com SURVEYS Flying on one engine Sep 18th 2003 From The Economist print edition
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RESEARCH TOOLS Economist.comSURVEYS Facts behind the figures Sep 18th 2003 From The Economist print edition Much ado about nothing urrent accour
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From The Economist print edition Why the world cannot count on a repeat of the 1980s PARALLELS abound between Ronald Reagan and George Bush. Like the Gipper, Dubya is a sun- belt conservative with fondness for his ranch. In all, Mr Reagan spent about one year of his eight-year presidency at his California retreat. Mr Bush has turned his patch of Texan scrub near Crawford into the hottest destination for world leaders
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Asia's addiction to cheap currencies must end. But not overnight THE average homeowner in Peoria has probably never heard of Toshihiko Fukui, Zhou Xiachuan, Joseph Yam, Perng Fai-nan or Park Seung. But he has a lot to thank them for. These men, respectively bosses of the central banks of Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South
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The world economy needs both TO GET a sense of the challenges facing the global economy, fast-forward four years to September 2007 and consider the following three scenarios: he world's top finance ministers arrive in Washington for an emergency summit after the
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