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Overview: A good 'H NMR sample contains about 10 mg of compound. The solution should contain no solids or paramagnetic impurities. Your deuterated NMR solvent should be free of water,and your NMR spectrum should contain no solvent peaks. Reference: Zubrick page 295 is relatively useful, but you should follow the specifics in this handout Also, keep in mind that we won't be running continuous wave spectrometers, so you should disregard any discussion of them. NMR Solvents:
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Flash column chromatography is a quick and (usually) easy way to separate complex mixtures of compounds. We will be performing relatively large scale separations in 5.301,around 1.0 g of compound. Columns are often smaller in scale than this and some of you will experience these once you move into the research lab. Column chromatography uses the same principles
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Introduction Are people unaffected by tax increase if they pay zero in taxes afterwards? No, consumption may have changed in response to the tax increase Bundle consumed is less desirable Excess burden is a loss of welfare above and beyond the tax revenues collected
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In this lecture, we consider the problem of a body in which the mass of the body changes during the motion, that is, m is a function of t, i.e. m(t). Although there are many cases for which this particular model is applicable, one of obvious importance to us are rockets. We shall see that a significant fraction of the mass of a rocket is the fuel, which is expelled during flight at a high velocity and thus, provides the propulsive force for the rocket
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In this lecture, we will consider how to transfer from one orbit, or trajectory, to another. One of the assumptions that we shall make is that the velocity changes of the spacecraft, due to the propulsive effects, occur instantaneously. Although it obviously takes some time for the spacecraft to accelerate to the velocity of the new orbit, this assumption is reasonable when the burn time of the rocket is much smaller than the period of the orbit. In such cases, the Av required to do the maneuver is simply the difference between the
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TAC Three address code Three-address code (TAC) will be the intermediate representation used in our Decaf compiler. It is essentially a generic assembly language that falls in the lower-end of the mid-level IRs. Many compilers use an IR similar to TAC. It is a sequence of instructions, each of which can have at most three operands. The operands could be
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TAC Handout written by Maggie Johnson and revised by me. Three address code Three-address code(TAC) will be the intermediate representation used in our Decaf compiler. It is essentially a generic assembly language that falls in the lower-end of the mid-level IRs. Some variant of 2, 3 or 4 address code is fairly commonly used as an IR, since it maps well to most
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Chapter 15 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Develop large programs incrementally using multiple objects from object categories controller, storage, application logic, and user interface. Develop large programs that are extensible and modifiable by applying polymorphism and inheritance effectively in program design. Document how the methods in the classes are related by using method call sequence diagrams
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Chapter 9 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter you should be able to Manipulate a collection of data values using an array. Declare and use an array of primitive data types in writing a program. Declare and use an array of objects in writing a program. Describe how a two-dimensional array is implemented as an array of arrays. Manipulate a collection of objects using a vector. Use MultiInputBox object from the javabook package to input an array of strings
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Chapter 6 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Implement selection control in a program using if statements. Implement selection control in a program using switch statements. Write boolean expressions using relational and boolean operators. Evaluate given boolean expressions correctly
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