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boosted global trade and triggered a surge in commodity prices: The Economist's metals index is at ten-year From budding to blooming high. This has been a fillip to raw-materials producers, GDP growth, annual average such as Brazil, South Africa and Russia. Low global %2001-04 interest rates have also reduced debt-servic costs, and
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From The Economist print edition Panos Is economic inequality around the world getting better or worse? CRITICS of capitalism are convinced that the gap between rich and poor is widening across the world. For them, the claim amounts almost to an article of faith: worsening inequality is a sure sign of the moral bankruptcy of \the system\. Whether rising inequality should in fact be seen
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A sketch of a proof for why fiscal policy does not work under flexible exchange rates (by special request from Messrs. Eubank and Heidlage) The easiest way to show that fiscal policy does not work under flexible exchange rates was the one we covered in class on Monday!
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Home What's New Site Map Site Index International Monetary Fund Search About the IMFIMF at Work IMF Finances Country Info News Publications An Open Letter By Kenneth Rogoff Economic Counsellor and Director of Research. International Monetary Fund To Joseph Stiglitz
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The Man Who Took My Job: A NAFTA Journey By Dan Baum Originally published in Rolling Stone April 27, 200 David Quinn spent what President Clinton calls the longest period of economic growth in our entire history\tumbling down the economic ladder-from having a shot at being the first in his family
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An Elder Challenges Outsourcing's Orthodoxy By STEVE LOHR t 89, Paul A. Samuelson, the Nobel Prize-winning economist and professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, still seems to have plenty of intellectual edge and the ability to antagonize and amuse
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农产品营销学是融合了市场营销学和经济学理论与方法的交叉学科,阐述了农业和农产 品市场营销的关系,研究农产品作为食品原料在市场营销中的营销环境、营销策略、营销方 法,探讨WTO框架下我国农产品的国际贸易和营销策略是食品相关专业本科学生扩大视野、 拓展能力的一门专业选修课程
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经济类课件汇集_第六章 国际储备
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经济类课件汇集_第八章 国际资本流动
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经济类课件汇集_第十章 国际货币体系
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