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剑桥(join in)版六年级英语下册_电子教案_Unit 2 Food and health_Food and health (Part 7a,7b)
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Information content of a random variable Random variable x Outcome of a random experiment Discrete R V takes on values from a finite set of possible outcomes PMF: P(X=y)=Py) How much information is contained in the event X=y? Will the sun rise today Revealing the outcome of this experiment provides no information Will the Celtics win the NBa championship? Since this is unlikely, revealing yes provides more information than revealing Events that are less likely contain more information than likely events
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微分中值定理包括罗尔定理、拉格朗日中值定理、柯西中值定理 一.罗尔(Rolle)定理 定理1(罗尔定理)设函数f(x)满足下列条件: (1)在闭区间[a,b]上连续; (2)在开区间(a,b)上可导; (3)f(a)=f(b);
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一、 投票悖论 1、 三个不同的公共品供给水平:A、B、C 2、三个消费者:偏好序
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Personnel Personnel management has been neglected in the past; but now more and more hotels have realized its importance, owing to the following 2 factors: 1. the trend to chain operation has swallowed up many of the independent hotels, and a chain operation can well afford personnel specialists
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剑桥(join in)版六年级英语下册_电子教案_Unit 4 My heroes_My heroes (Part 1a,1b,1c)2
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1.证明以下各式 (1). AUB=(AB). (2).,-UB, =UN(A,-B,) i=l j= i=l j= (3).An(, )=U(,)
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一、支气管肺炎 1、原因 2、病理变化(如图) (1)、眼观变化 (2)、组织学变化 A、初期 B、中期 C、后期
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Marciano Siniscalchi October 28, 1999 Introduction [Again, by and large, I will follow OR, Chap. 8, so will keep these notes to a minimum.] Review of key definitions Recall our three payoff aggregation criteria: discounting, i.e
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Lesson 2: Economic Transactions and Accounting Equation Learning objectives This lesson begins with a discussion of the purpose of a business, including a discussion of forms of organizations. Next, the nature of business operations is discussed. The four types of businesses are discussed: service, merchandising, manufacturing, and financial services. It also
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