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一、确定系统中的对象 二、确定对象的属性及操作 三、测试对象的有效性 四、区分对象和类 五、说出面向对象的编程和过程化编程之间的区别 六、解释封装的主要好处 七、列出软件开发的主要步骤
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Which of the following statements is correct? 1. The PVD only applies to linear elastic materials 2. The PVD applies only to elastic materials, but they can be linear or non-linear 3. The PVD applies regardless of the constitutive behavior of the material
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一、综述 二、传统观点认为库存管理是对物料进、出、存的业务管理,这种理解是不全面的。 三、APICS对库存的定义是“以支持生产、维护、操作和客户服务为目的而存储的各种物料,包括原材料和在制品、维修件和生产消耗、成品和备件
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第一节抽样调查的意义特点 第二节抽样调查的历史发其实践 第三节抽样调查的分类与设计 第四节抽样调查的基础理论
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一、确定系统中的对象 二、确定对象的属性及操作 三、测试对象的有效性 四、区分对象和类 五、说出面向对象的编程和过程化编程之间的区别 六、解释封装的主要好处 七、列出软件开发的主要步骤
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1.例1:管道中的流体 2.例2:电网中的电流 3.例3:通信网络中的信息流 4.例4:装配线上的零件流
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Constitutive Law(6 equations, O unknowns) C Bound dary conditions of two types Traction or natural boundary conditions: For tractions t imposed on the portion of the surface of the body aBt Displacement or essential boundary conditions: For displacement
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How can the paradox with the spring be plained? In other words, which of the following statements is true 1. Equilibrium can be derived from the equiv alence of the external and the internal work 2. Equilibrium is an artifact of our imagina- tion
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For the potato-shaped body given in class to explain the concept of stress, the field of stress vectors t(n)=t(n)(x)on the plane of normal n given by its cartesian components(1,0, 0) known and its cartesian components are given by the expression
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A Cauchy stress component at a given(fixed) point P of a structure in equilibrium under the action of external loads is defined when 1. the direction of the face on which the stress component acts is specified 2 the direction of the force from which the stress component is derived is specified None of the above statements
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