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Modulation Representing digital signals as analog waveforms Baseband signals Signals whose frequency components are concentrated around zero Passband signals Signals whose frequency components are centered at some frequency fc away from zero Baseband signals can be converted to passband signals through modulation Multiplication by a sinusoid with frequency fc Eytan Modiano
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Cyclic Codes a cyclic code is a linear block code where if c is a codeword, so are all cyclic shifts of c E.g., 1000, 110, 101,011 is a cyclic code Cyclic codes can be dealt with in the very same way as all other lbc s Generator and parity check matrix can be found a cyclic code can be completely described by a generator string G All codewords are multiples of the generator string In practice, cyclic codes are often used for error detection(CRc) Used for packet networks When an error is detected by the received, it requests retransmission
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Used for analyzing network performance In packet networks, events are random Random packet arrivals Random packet lengths While at the physical layer we were concerned with bit-error-rate, at the network layer we care about delays How long does a packet spend waiting in buffers?
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Routing Must choose routes for various origin destination pairs o/d pairs) or for various sessions Datagram routing: route chosen on a packet by packet basis Using datagram routing is an easy way to split paths Virtual circuit routing: route chosen a session by session basis Static routing: route chosen in a prearranged way based on O/D pairs Eytan Modiano
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1、20世纪70年代以前,投资银行经历了漫长的产生和早期发 展过程。1929年以前是投资银行产生及持续发展的阶段; 19291933是投资银行膨胀及动荡的阶段。大量的商业银行 和投资银行倒闭;1933年《格拉斯—斯蒂格尔法》颁布以 后,美国的商业银行和投资银行开始实行分业经营,投资银行 进入新的发展阶段
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1、美国等发达国家一般根据金融中介机构的负债与资产将其 分为三类。第一类为存款型金融机构,包括商业银行、储蓄银 行、信用社等;第二类为契约型储蓄机构,主要包括保险公司 (人寿保险公司和财产、意外灾害保险公司)以及养老基金 ;第三类为投资型金融机构,主要包括金融公司、(资本市场 )共同基金和货币市场共同基金
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蜂猴( Nycticebus coucang) Slow loris 生境:热带、亚热带森林 捕食:用手和嘴在树干和树枝间 捕捉猎物或摘取果实。 食物:野果、昆虫、小鸟和鸟蛋 体型:体长32~35厘米。体重约 1000克 习性:树栖性灵长类动物,喜单 独活动。白天卷曲成球状隐蔽在 大树的树洞里或树叶浓密的枝桠 间休息。夜晚外出觅食。平时运 动十分缓慢,因而叫\懒猴\。在捕 捉昆虫时出手动作迅速准确。与 常慢吞吞的动作迥然不同。怀 孕期5~6个月,每胎产一仔。幼 仔稍大后,会攀付在母亲背上随 母亲外出觅食活动
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The TCP/P Protocol Suite Transmission Control Protocol Internet protocol Developed by darPa to connect Universities and Research Labs Four Layer model Applications Telnet, FTP, email, etc Transport TCP, UDP Network IP ICMP, IGMP Link
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短尾信天翁( Short-tai tos)分類地位:鳥綱、形目、信天翁科學名 Diomedea albatros分佈範圍:福建、台灣、山東數量:罕見形態特徵:體長90-95 厘米(約書桌寬度的2倍),體重7-8千克(約14-16罐可口可樂) 特殊技:在海洋上的天空中,借助風力翔的技巧非常高超。翅膀窄長,能適應海洋的 多變氣流,展開雙翼,可以在空中停留數小時而不用扇動翅膀
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第一讲动物保护的内容及意义 引言 1、我为什么要开这门课? ◆刘海洋事件
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