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一、ODBC的概念 二、掌握ODBC数据源的概念及其配置 12.1DBC概述 12.2管理ODBC数据源
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Relationship with Ther courses(Relationship with other Courses(2) pp Dev Practic Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter goal: Network basics Network basics TCP/IP protocols stack
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导数定义与概念是一元函数微分学的核心内容,对它的背景与概念,应从极限的角度去认 识,并且应把导数的定义看作一种标准极限模式。 由导数概念本身,可以得到一系列重要性质,而这些性质是研究函数性态的重要依据与工 具。在计算方面,应训练准确快速的导数计算能力。在学习中要掌握好基本初等函数的导数公 式,导数的四则运算法则和复合函数的求导法则,以及反函数、隐函数和由参数方程确定的函 数的求导公式及要点
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Chapter 3: Client Software Design Chapter goal: Algorithm and issues Concurrency in client Client examples Learning algorithm instead of details
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Chapter 5: Tunneling and Application Gateway Chapter goal: Multiprotocol environment a Multiprotocol environment Mixing network technologies Mixing network technologies Encapsulation and tunneling Encapsulation and tunneling
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Chapter 7: P2P Application development Chapter goal: P2P applicat P2P application model P2P examp P2P example
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Chapter 7: P2P Application development Chapter goal: P2P application model P2P application design P2P example
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Chapter 6: Web and RPC Based Application Development Chapter goal: Www and Http Web programming RPC and Middleware
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Chapter 6: Web and RPC Based P. Application Development Chapter goal Www and Http Www and hTMl Web Programming RPC and Middleware World wide web Use of Client-Server Paradigm
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:102.61KB 文档页数:28
Chapter 5: Tunneling and Application Gateway Chapter goal: Multiprotocol environment Mixing network technologies Encapsulation and tunneling Clients and servers in constrained environments Application gateways Application gateway examples
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