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1.按节气出售的某种节令商品,每售出1公斤可获利a元,过了节气处理剩余 的这种商品,每售出1公斤净亏损b元。设某店在季度内这种商品的销量X是 一随机变量,X在区间(t1,t2)内服从均匀分布。为使商店所获利润的数学期 望最大,问该店应进多少货?
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Section A: Learning a Foreign Language(4 hours) Section B: Keys to Successful Online learning (2 hours) The texts are used as inputs (for output), stimuli (for response), prompts(for thinking) Teaching Objectives: This unit is intended to introduce you to studying by computer. After learning it, Ss should be able to
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There are many concepts that are used in fuzzy logic that sometimes become useful when studying fuzzy control. The following problems introduce some of the more popular fuzzy logic oncepts that were not treated earlier in the chapter or were treated only briefly (a)The complement(\not )of a fuzzy set with a membership function has a membership function given by A(x)=1-u(x). Sketch the complement of the fuzzy set shown in Figure 2.6 on page 30 (b)There are other ways to def ine the\triangular norm\for representing
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在科技出版物的创作中,参考文献的组织是一个不可缺少的标准过程。 我们已经在4.3.6节和8.3.2节中讲解了如何利用 thebibliography环境来排 版参考文献,以及如何在正文中引用其中的条目。有时候作者会发现在绝大 多数文章中他经常引用的是同样作品。与此类似,在同一个领域工作的研究 人员参考的论文也大致相同。这也就是说在不同文档的 thebibliography环 境中经常有大量重复的条目,在一个研究所中的同事与同事之间处理的文档 里也有类似的情形
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一、单项选择(每题2分,共20分) ()1、边际消费倾向与边际储蓄倾向的关系是: A、之和等于1; B、之和大于1; C、之和小于1; D、无关
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一、载荷的分类 静载荷 变载荷: (1)循环变载荷 (a)稳定循环变载荷 (b)不稳定循环变载荷 2)随机变载荷 载荷: (1)名义载荷 (2)计算载荷
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1适用范围 本方法是用王水作消化剂从水样中提取痕量元素。本方法适用于各类水,其中水中悬浮 颗粒物浓度小于20g/L,总有机物浓度(以碳表示)小于5g/L。 王水消化法适用于释放水样中Ag、Al、s、B、Ba、Be、Ca、Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Fe、 Hg、K、g、Mn、Mo、Na、Ni、P、Pb、Sb、Se、Sn、r、ti、v、n,不适用于耐火化合 物(如SiO2、TiO2、Al2O3)的消化
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Eugene F Fama. James D. Mac Beth The Journal of political Economy, Volume 81, Issue 3(May -Jun, 1973),607-636 Stable url: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-3808%28197305%2f197306%2981%03a3%03c607%3arraeett3e2.0.c0%03b2-c Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of jSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/about/terms.htmlJstOr'sTermsandConditionsofUseprovidesinpartthatunlessyou
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1、一个40KW、10Q的电阻,使用时至多能容许A的电流通过。 2、若流入某一节点有4个电流,已知i1=5A,i2=2A,3=-3A,那么
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1、本试卷的试题中共有75个空格,需要全部解答,每个空格1分,满分75分。 2、每个空格对应一个序号,有A、B、C、D四个选项,请选择一个最恰当的选项作为解答
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