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氧化是食品变质的最重要原因之一,它不仅造成营养损失,而且使食品产生 异味、变色、质地变坏或其他损害。当食品中天然存在的物质发生氧化时,产生 大量自由基和有害化合物,例如胆固醇氧化产物中的胆固醇环氧化物和氢过氧化 物,均可引起致癌和致突变。这说明食品成分氧化生成的有害物质不仅损害食品 的品质,而且长期摄入这类食品还会损害人体健康或引起多种疾病发生。食品本 身和人体内存在着多种抗氧化损伤的天然化合物和酶,例如维生素E、原花青素、 β-胡萝卜素、抗坏血酸、半胱氨酸以及体内的许多抗氧化物酶等,它们都是很 强的抗氧化剂
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A+ Ismail KM Humied MA.2003. Effect of processing and storage of brined white (Nabulsi) cheese on fat and cholesterol oxidation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.83: 39-43 A. WNOROWSKI V.A. YAYLAYAN. 2002. Prediction of Process Lethality through Measurement of Maillard-Generated Chemical Markers. Journal of Food
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Idea Develops the concept of chemical potential and shows how it can be used to account for the equilibrium composition of chemical reaction Equilibrium co
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相律 Phase Rules Phase diagrams are extremely useful for systems with multiple components, and serve to describe physical and chemical equilibria over range of different compositions, as well as points where substances are mutually miscible, or even when a system has to be brought to a specific set of conditions for equilbrium to exist(e.g., pressure
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热力学定律— Helmholtz and Gibbs energies Consider a system in thermal equilibrium with surroundings, at temp. T For change in the system with transfer of heat, the Clausius inequality is
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热力学第一定律 热化学(ThermoChemistry) 1.吸热反应&放热反应 2.标准态:指定温度(通常是298.15K),一个标准大气压 标准焓变ΔH°:变化前后物质都处于标准态. 3.热化学方程式:注明状态 标准摩尔焓变△Hm;标准反应焓变ΔrH°
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The rate theory of unimolecular reaction 单分子反应速率理论 Mechanism of Complex reactions 复杂反应
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Definitions ·ld:“derived from living organisms New: \chemistry of carbon compounds\ From inorganic to organic, Wohler, 1828
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第一章概论 3.基准试剂主体含量大于99.9%;高纯试剂杂质含量少;专用试剂指在某一特殊应用中无 干扰,如光谱纯、色谱纯。 6.标定c(NaOH)=0.05mol·-1时,草酸m=0.05×0.025×63=0.08g 0.0002 称量误差E=008=0.25%>0.1% 0.08 而m(邻)=0.05×0.025×204=0.26g
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