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《医学统计学》课程教学资源:第八章 秩转换的非参数检验 NONPARAMETRIC TEST
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《医学统计学》课程教学资源:第六章 几种离散型变量的分布及其应用、第七章 卡方检验
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第一节 直线回归 第二节 直线相关
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logistic回归为概率型非线性回归模型, 是研究分类观察结果(y)与一些影响因素 (x)之间关系的一种多变量分析方法
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《医学统计学》课程教学资源:第十一章 多因素试验的方差分析、第十三章 协方差分析
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第四节 方差分析的数学模型与期望均方 第五节 数据转换
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To detine multivariate analysis. To describe multiple regression analysis and multiple discriminant analysis. To learn about factor analysis and cluster analysis. gain an appreciation of perceptua mapping. To develop an understanding of conjoint analysis
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Total Quality Management (TQM) Theory of Process Management The Theory of Control Charts Common Cause Variation Vs Special Cause Variation Control Charts for the Proportion of Nonconforming Items Process Variability Control charts for the Mean and the Range
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第一节 方差分析的基本原理与步骤 第二节 单因素试验资料的方差分析 第三节 两因素试验资料的方差分析
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Component Factors of the Time-Series Model Smoothing of Data Series Moving Averages Exponential Smoothing Least Square Trend Fitting and Forecasting Linear, Quadratic and Exponential Models Autoregressive Models Choosing Appropriate Models Monthly or Quarterly Data
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