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◼ 1, What is Pathology ◼ 2, The history of pathology and the position in medicine ◼ 3, How to study pathology
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Leprosy (麻风) Sexually Transmitted Disease STD Typhoid Fever (伤寒) Bacillary Dysentery (Shigellosis) (细菌性痢疾) parasitosis 寄生虫病 pathogenesis B chronic amebic dysentery amoebic liver abscess schistosomiasis 血吸虫病 Pathology caused by worms Eosinophilic Abscess Intestinal Pathology Pathology of liver
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Definition of pathology Pathology is to study diseases by scientific methods. Disease may be defined as an abnormal alteration of structure or function in any part of the body
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一、慢性阻塞性肺疾病:(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD) 二 慢性肺源性心脏病(chronic cor pulmonale) 三 肺部炎症性疾病 第四节:肺尘埃沉着症 (pneumoconiosis) 第五节 呼吸系统常见肿瘤 肺癌(carcinoma of the lung)
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1. What is Pathology: (1) Scientific study of diseas Causes (etiology) mechanisms (pathogenesis) ( 2)Investigation manifestaticn morphology of progress
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Aggregate Demand ll Science is a parasite: the greater the patient population the better the ad ance in physiology and pathology; and out of pathology arises therapy The year 1932 was the trough of the great depression, and from its rotten soil was belatedly begot a new subject that today we call macroeconomics In Chapter 10 we assembled the pieces of the IS-LM model. We saw that the IS curve represents the equilibrium in the market for goods and services, that the LM curve represents the equilibrium in the market for real money balances, and that the IS and LM curves together
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第一节 化学因素 第二节 物理因素 第三节 植物非侵染性病害的诊断
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第一节 接触期 第二节 侵入期 penetration 第三节 潜育期 第四节 发病期
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第一节 植物病害的诊断 第二节 植物病害的防治原理 第三节 植物检疫 第四节 农业防治 第五节 植物抗病品种的利用 第六节 生物防治 第七节 物理防治 第八节 化学防治
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第一节 共生、共栖和寄生 第二节 植物病原物的寄生性和致病性 第三节 植物病原物的致病机制
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