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诊断标准 ①尿蛋白>359/d ②2血浆白蛋白低于30g/ ③水 ④血脂升高 其中①②为必备条件
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心肌病 定义:是指伴有心肌功能障碍的心肌疾病
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Respiratory failure Acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) dyspnea Hypoxemia hypercapnia Respiratory Support Mechanical ventilation
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How to Teach Internal Medicine 2005.2-7: Lecture_(Bilingual teaching) 2005.9-2006.1 Bedside teaching: rotation for weeks, including Respiratory system, Cardiovascular system, Gastrointestinal system, Kidney and urinary system, Endocrinology, Hematology, etc
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一、概述 甲状腺功能亢进症(简称甲亢)是指由多 种病因导致甲状腺激素(TH分泌过多引 起的临床综合征
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1、熟悉遗精的基本概念 2、熟悉与溢精、早泄的鉴别 3、理解
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Cirrhosis---definition chronic, progressed, diffuse hepatocellular injury fibrosis nodular regeneration Incidence: 17/100000/y Age: 20-50 yr
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定义 各种原因引起的肠道炎症性疾病 (广义).通常所说的炎症性肠病是溃疡 性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis UC) 和克罗恩病(Crohn's diaease CD)
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概念 胃痛,又称为胃脘痛,是由于 脾胃受损、气血不调所引起的胃 脘部疼痛
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