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8.1. Sectional Shapes and Proportions 8.2. Moment Diagrams 8.3. Internal Resisting Couple 8.4. Prestressing Design 8.5. Connections
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上海交通大学:《结构概念设计 Conceptual design》教学资源_Chapter 7 Overall Design of Vertical Subsystem(VS)7.5. Deflections
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7.1. Overall Structural Behavior of VS 7.2. Shear Wall Subsystem 7.3. Shaft (Tube) Subsystem 7.4. Rigid Frame Subsystem
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Lecture 2: Molecular Design and Synthesis of Biomaterials I: Biodegradable Solid Polymeric Materials(continued) hemistry and physical chemistry of degrading polymeric solids for biomaterials Today Theory of polymer erosion Enzymatic degradation of synthetic biomaterials Designing degradable materials Reading
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Asynchronous Circuit Design a Mainly use Combinational Logic to do the decoding Address decoder Fifo/Ram Read or Write pulse The output logic does not have any relationship with any clocking signal a Usually the Decoding Glitch can be monitored at the output signal
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上海交通大学:《结构概念设计 Conceptual design》教学资源_Conceptual Design for Structures
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The reasons to limit lateral deflection are: - To avoid damage problem in building associated with shear racking and bending deflection. - To avoid uncomfortable horizontal movement of the occupants
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7.1. Overall Structural Behavior of VS 7.2. Shear Wall Subsystem 7.3. Shaft (Tube) Subsystem 7.4. Rigid Frame Subsystem
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4.1. Space Organization of Subsystems 4.2. Total System Analysis 4.3. New Design Concepts 4.4. Examples
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FEM fundamental concepts analysis procedure Errors mistakes, and accuracy Cosmos Introduction(ca 30 min) Follow along step-by-step Conduct Fea of your part( ca 90 mi Work in teams of two First conduct an analysis of your CAd design You are free to make modifications to your original model
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