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Smith, K. and A. Pelter (1991). Hydroboration of C=C and Alkynes. Comprehensive Organic Synthesis. B. M. Trost and I. Fleming. Oxford, Pergamon Press. 8: 703. Beletskaya, I. and A. Pelter (1997). “Hydroborations catalysed by transition metal complexes
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Graphlte works as a lubrlcant because the planes,held together by strong chemlcal (covalent) bonds between the carbon atoms, can sllde across each other wlth only J.M.H.L.S. weak Van der Waals bonds between the planes belng broken
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Diffie-Hellman Diffie-Hellman is a public key distribution scheme First public-key type scheme, proposed in 1976. W Diffie, M E Hellman, \New directions in Cryptography\, IEEE Trans. Information
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Thus far, we have concentrated on the bending of shell beams. However, in the general case a beam is subjected to axial load. F · bending moments,M · shear forces,S torque(torsional moments)
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FOUR COLONY MODELS (4) Model of Pennsylvania(Quaker founder: William Penn seeking a place for their religious belief which included people contact directly with God, the inner light, God is in everyone's soul simple but productive life, thrifty and self-denial)
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TEXT A lutches and Manual Transmissions Clutches Manual Transmission (M/T)
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FOUR COLONY MODELS (2) Model of New England (Puritan 1620 in Massachusetts Bay) ↓ Followed the doctrine of John Calvin (everyone had a calling given by God; read the Bible to find God's will and search for one's individual contact with God
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RESERVATION SYSTEMS Single channel shared by multiple users Only one user can use t he channel at a time
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FOUR COLONY MODELS (3) Model of Maryland(Catholic) founder: the second Lord Baltimore; carried out his father's will in 1632 (His father George Calvert, with a granted charter in 1623 from the King but died before long.)
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Under appropriate cooling condition, intcrfacial phase appeared between α and β phases in Ti-5Al-2M0-3Zr alloy. Its thickness could reach 100 nm. The interfacial phase was either single layer structure or double layer structure. The monolithic layer adjacent to 3 phase was indentified as fee structure with relationship (110)β// (001)m, [11$\\mathop 1\\limits^{{\\rm{ - - }}} $]β /[110]m. The striated layer adjacent to a phase was indentified as hep with twin relationship {10$\\bar 1$1}<1$\\bar 0$12> to α. Thus, the study provided a new experimental fact for the controversial topic on structure of striated layer. Chemical composition of interfacial phase varied slightly with heat treatments, but always between that of α and β phases
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