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气体系统由非平衡态向平衡态转变的过 程,就称为输运过程。扩散过程、热传导 过程和粘滞性现象都是典型的输运过程。 分子间的无规则碰撞在气体的输运过程 中起着关键的作用
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一、物质的微观结构模型 二、理想气体压强公式 三、温度的微观解释 四、分子力 五、范德瓦耳斯气体的压强
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昆虫体内能够分泌特殊的生理活性微量物质、激素 hormones调节昆虫生长、发育、蜕皮变态、生殖、滞育 等重要的生命过程的器官系统称内分泌系统。内分泌器 官的活动受神经系统调控。 向体外分泌生理活性物质的腺体称外分泌腺,其所 在部位与虫种有关;外分泌腺的分泌物靠体液及气流传 播而向体外扩散,该类激素有种类的专化性,由同种群 异性或其它个体体壁的感受器接受而起作用,成分为小 分子的醇、醛、酯等挥发物
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一、概述 (一)组成:淋巴器官、淋巴组织、免疫细胞、免疫活性分子 (二)功能:免疫防御、免疫监视、免疫稳定 二、免疫细胞 (一)淋巴细胞
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1. Re-derive the equation for equilibrium swelling of a polyelectrolyte gel where the polymer chains contain a basic ionizable group that becomes positively charged with decreasing pH
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一、前言 二、遗传病的常规诊断 三、分子诊断
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A recent study of controlled release of a model small-molecule drug from poly(lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres prepared by the single-emulsion method found that the diffusion constant of the drug through the polymer was best related to the polymers molecular weight according
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1. Two hydrogels are prepared from two different candidate polymers for controlled release of a protein drug, interleukin-2(IL-2). The gels exhibit the same swelling ratio at equilibrium, but gel A(formed by cross-linked polymer A, repeat unit molecular weight Mo= 100 g/mole)has
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5 points/problem(20 points total) 1. Two hydrogels are prepared from two different candidate polymers for controlled release of a protein drug, interleukin-2(IL-2). The gels exhibit the same swelling ratio at equilibrium, but jel a (formed by cross-linked polymer A, repeat unit molecular weight Mo= 100 g/mole)has a molecular weight between cross-links of 3,000 g/mole, while gel B (formed from cross linked polymer B, Mo=95 g/mole) has a molecular weight between crosslinks of
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1. An early study in the development of peptide-presenting biomaterials showed that polymer surfaces bearing RGD peptides at a density equivalent to -10 peptides per each cell was sufficient to promote cell attachment, spreading and subsequent cell growth. In contrast, when whole
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