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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 24.(b) A benzyl group(C., CH2) is ortho to the phenolic hydroxyl group in o-benzylphenol. OH CH2C.Hs (c)Naphthalene is numbered as shown. 3-Nitro-I-naphth has a hydroxyl group at C-1 and a nitro group
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13.1电视图像的数据率 13.1.1itu-rbt.601标准数据率 13.1.2VCD电视图像数据率的估算 13.1.3DVD电视图像数据率的估算 13.2数据压缩算法 13.2.1简介 13.2.2帧内图像I的压缩编码算法 13.2.3预测图像P的压缩编码算法 13.2.4双向预测图像B的压缩编码算法
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1、机械消耗定额以一台机械工作8小时工作班为计量单位。 -机械连续工作24小时为3个台班停置24小时为停置1个台班 2、定额制定方法 机械一次循环正常延续时间A=循环组成部分正常延续时间之和机械纯工作1小时循环次数B=3600(60)/A
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一、常量在程序运行中其值不能改变的量 二、常量的类型: 三、整型常量:如12,0,-4 四、实型常量:如2.3,-12.6 五、字符常量:如‘a,‘b’,℃
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1 The physical construction of three pairs of coupled coils is shown in Fig. 10-16. Show two different possible locations for the two dots on each pair of coils. 2 For the circuit illustrated in Fig. 10-17 (a) find I and VB; (b) repeat if a 62 resistor is connected between the terminals at the right
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1. In the circuit shown in the Fig 3-15, it is desired that 23 2v, a)Find the value of R that gives the desired relationship. b) Suppose that v,=-10V and v2=10V, find the magnitude of the currents through all resistors and the powers dissipated by all resistors
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Example 2: Find the three inductance appearing in the T equivalent of the transformer shown in Fig., if L2=4H and the input inductance at A-B is 6H with C-D open-circuited, and 2H with C-D short-circuited
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一、形态特征(2) 裸藻的色素有叶绿素a、b和β一胡萝卜素等, 植物体大多呈绿色,少数种类具特殊的裸藻红 素(Euglenarhodine),植物体呈血红色。 色素体形状一般为盘状、片状或星芒状,蛋白 核或有或无。 贮存物质为副淀粉(裸藻淀粉),有些种类也 有脂肪。副淀粉是一种遇碘不变色的非水溶性 多糖类,反光性很强,具同心层理结构,有球 形、盘形、环形、杆形或其它形状
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例题面机构如图所示。已知:OA= 30cm,AB=20cm在图示位置时 ,OA杆的角速度=2rad/s、角加速度 为零,中=30°,=60°。试求该瞬 时滑块B的速度和加速度
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