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1、耳的基本结构和生理 2、分泌性中耳炎的临床特征、病因、鉴别诊断、治疗原则
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一、颞骨 在颅两侧,颅底和侧壁一部分,参与组成颅中窝,颅后窝分为五部鳞部乳突部岩部鼓部茎突.外耳道骨部中耳内耳内耳道在颞骨内
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Define定义 Vertigo is defined as a hallucination幻觉of movement. This may be a sensation of turning, spinning, falling rocking, etc Dizziness, although commonly used by the patient as a term to describe the above sensations refers to less severe and
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病因主要病理基础咽鼓管功能障碍 中耳局部感染变态反应 1咽鼓管功能障碍 (1)机械性阻塞
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定义 中耳粘膜、骨膜或深达骨质的慢性化脓性炎症。 常与慢性乳突炎合并存在
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A.The human genome and its chromosomes B. The origin of chromosome abnormalities C. Chromosome disorders
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◼ Introduction of the basic concepts 2. What Causes Cancer? ◼ Genetic underpinnings of cancer ◼ Three types of Cancer Critical Genes ◼ Cancer initiation and progression 3. How to Prevent and Diagnose Cancer? ◼ Utilization the knowledge we learned from cancer genetics Outline
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A. Historical Background B. Patterns of inheritance C. Genetic mutations D. Prenatal diagnosis
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复旦大学:《医学遗传学 Medical Genetics》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)Chromosome related diseases and Chromosomal disorders Alexander Endler
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