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学习目标: ·明确营销策划的概念和分类; ·掌握营销策划的基本程序; ·了解营销策划的原则和方法; ·了解咨询策划业的发展情况。 第一节 营销策划概述 第二节 营销策划的原则、程序和方法 第三节 创意与营销策划 第四节 咨询策划业的历史与现状
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I. What is a Distribution I. What is a Distribution Channel? Channel? II. Roles of Distribution Channels II. Roles of Distribution Channels III. Designing of Distribution III. Designing of Distribution Channels Channels IV. Distribution Channel IV. Distribution Channel Management Management
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I. New Product Pricing Strategies I. New Product Pricing Strategies II. Product Mix Pricing Strategies II. Product Mix Pricing Strategies III. Adjustment Strategies III. Adjustment Strategies IV. Initiating & Reactions IV. Initiating & Reactions to Price Price Changes Changes
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I. Managing Marketing Efforts I. Managing Marketing Efforts II. Organizing the Marketing II. Organizing the Marketing Department Department III. Four skills needed for III. Four skills needed for effective implementation effective implementation IV. Types of Control IV. Types of Control V. Marketing Control Process V. Marketing Control Process VI. Marketing Audits VI. Marketing Audits
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I. The Importance of I. The Importance of information information II. The Marketing Information II. The Marketing Information System III. The Marketing Research III. The Marketing Research Process Process IV. Research Plan Designing IV. Research Plan Designing and Execution and Execution
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1. 认识交换机 2. 交换机的工作原理 3. 交换机的MAC地址表 4. 交换机的连接 5. 交换机管理与配置
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Session 1   Overview of Marketing and Marketing Management Session 2   Environment and Opportunities Session 3   Consumer Buying Behavior Session 4   Business Buying Behavior Session 5   Marketing Information System and Marketing Research Session 6   Measuring and Forecasting Market Demand Session 7   Strategic Planning and Marketing Process Session 8   Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Session 19   Market Plan Implementation and Control Session 10   Product, Service and Product Development Session 11   Product Life-Cycle and Brand Development Session 12   Pricing Considerations and Approaches Session 13   Pricing Strategies Session 14   Distribution Channel Designing and Management Session 15   Wholesaling, Retailing, Online Marketing and Logistics Session 16   Integrated Marketing Communications and Advertising Session 17   Sales Promotion and Public Relations Session 18   Personal Selling, Sales and Customer Relationship Management
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牛乳基本知识 ƒ牛乳的巴氏杀菌及超高温灭菌 设备的清洗与杀菌 牛奶加工工艺与设备 牛乳的性质 牛乳在热处理中的变化 巴氏杀菌的目的及杀菌方法 超高温灭菌的目的及其加工的类型 牛乳在加工过程中的各种处理方法 牛乳的成分 巴氏杀菌及超高温灭菌技术原理 设备清洗的目的及定义 清洗的作用机理 影响清洗的五个要素 不同管路及设备条件下的清洗程序选择
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 1 理论基础  2 实验目的及要求  3 实验所用的主要仪器和设备  4 实验设备的工作原理  5 实验方法和步骤  6 实验报告的基本内容和要求
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第一节 投资概念及其决策过程 第二节 货币的时间价值 第三节 现金流量的估计 第四节 资金成本的估计 第五节 投资方案的评价方法 第六节 投资决策原理和方法的运用
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