例题2-5求例题2-4中所示薄壁圆环在内压力 b p=2MPa作用下的径向应变和圆环直径的改变量。 已知材料的弹性模量E=210GPa p 解:在例题2-4中已经求出圆环在任一横截面 上的正应力=40MPa,若正应力不超过材料的比 例极限,则可按公式(2-6)算出沿正应力方向 (a) (即沿圆周方向)的线应变为
More Problems With Culture 1. The culture concept has been used and misused This notion has traveled around the world it can be considered one of Anthropology's great successes b. Culture has also been distorted 1. Assumptions that cultures have clear boundaries
More On The Nuer 1. Ghost Marriage: a woman is married to a dead man a. Among the Nuer, this kind of marriage is almost as frequent as marriage to a living man b. A living man is found to physically father a child for the dead man. TO understand this, one must distinguish between: