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一,PN码的特点? 理想的地址码和扩频码应具有如下特性: (1)有足够多的地址码码组; (2)有尖锐的自相关特性; 3)有处处为零的互相关特性; 4)不同码元数平衡相等; (5)尽可能大的复杂度
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白城市抽水试验实习基地位于白城市地下水管理站院内,地处白城市南西郊区纯阳村 西200m。试验站占地约4万hm2,基本呈长方形周围有砖墙。场区内设有气象观测系 统(小型气象站)、水均衡试验场和抽水试验系统,后者由抽水井和若干个观测井组成 (表9-3、图9-4)
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一、名词解释 1、压条:2、花卉:3、露地花卉:4、温室球根:5、宿根花卉: 6、扦插繁殖:7、切花:8、上盆:9、移植:10、分株繁殖: 11、分苗:12、嫁接:13、组织培养:14、球根花卉:15、盆景:
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Chap. 6 Climate/Change Impact methods Index, variables Statistical methods GCMs with downscaling
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5.4 Land degradation--Soil erosion (1) Types of land degradation (2) Classification of soil erosion (3) Climate and soil erosion (4) Soil erosion models (5) Erosion and productivity (6) Rainfall factor for soil erosion model
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❖ 网络互联与Internet ❖ 接入Internet ❖ IP地址 ❖ 域名系统原理 ❖ Internet基本服务功能 ❖ Intranet
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Chap. Climate/Change and Land Resources 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Assessment of land resources 5.3 Land productivity 5.4 Land degradation --Soil erosion
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Chap. 4 Climate/Change and Water Resources Quantity assessment of water resources Available water resources Supplying water resources Water resources requirement Quality assessment of water resources Impacts of climate changes on water resources
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Chapter 3 3.4 Crop growth and its modeling 3.4.1 Components of plant growth 3.4.2 Empirical models 3.4.3 Process-based models 3.4.4 Case studies Date
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