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Solving recurrences The analysis of merge sort from Lecture I required us to solve a recurrence Recurrences are like solving integrals erential equations, etc o Learn a few tricks Lecture 3: Applications of recurrences
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Ch.8 Nonspherical Disturbance This chapter will assume that the full ideal conditions hold except that the covari- ance matrix of the disturbance, i.e. E(EE)=02Q2, where Q is not the identity matrix. In particular, Q may be nondiagonal and / or have unequal diagonal ele- ments Two cases we shall consider in details are heteroscedasticity and auto-
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第一章概述 1计算机系统和系统结构 一、计算机系统的组成 由硬件和软件组成。 1.硬件:可视为多种资源: (1)处理信息资源CPU; (2)存储信息资源—存储器; (3)交换信息资源I/O设备。 2.软件:即程序 (1)系统软件:各用户共同使用,如操作系统(OS),编译/解释程序,汇编程序,诊断程序等 (2)应用软件:为解决用户问题编写的程序
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Countryside Part I Listening and Speaking Activities. Part l Reading comprehension and language Activities Part l Extended activities
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9.1 Critique of existing procedures (i) Auctions. The problem with auctions is that assets sold off piecemeal may be sold at a substantial discount The financing problem. It takes too long to raise money from a large number of investors. A small number of investors may be risk averse and unwilling to pay the expected value of the assets
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斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯《管理学》笔记 第I篇绪论 第一章管理者与组织导论 一、谁是管理者 (1)管理者:组织中指挥他人活动的人,他们拥有各种头衔。 (2)操作者:非管理人员,他们直接从事某项工作或任务,不具有监督别人工作的责任
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Part I Listening and Speaking Activities Introduction of functions Listen and speak Try to speak more Make your own dialogue What are they for?
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Part I Listening and Speaking Activities Introduction of functions Listen and speak Try to speak more Make your own dialogue What are they for? If you want to learn more
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3.1 核外电子的运动状态 一、 玻尔的原子结构理论 二、 电子的玻粒二象性 三、 玻函数与原子轨道 四、 概率密度和电子云图形 五、 四个量子数 3.2 核外电子的排布和元素周期律 一、多电子原子的能级 二、核外电子的排布的原则 三、原子的电子层结构和元素周期系 3.3 元素性质的周期性 一、有效核电荷(Z*) 二、原子半径(r) 三、电离能(I) 四、电子亲和能(Y) 五、电负性(x) 六、元素的金属性和非金属性 七、元素的氧化值
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1.檐沟外排水(水落管外排水)(小型屋面) 雨水→屋面→檐沟→水落管一散水坡→地面檐沟→铅皮、预制砼 水落管→白铁皮、铸铁管。d=75~100mm,间距8~16m 2天沟外排水:利用屋面构造上所形成的天沟本身容量和坡度排泄雨水(大型屋面) 雨水→屋面一天沟→立管一地面或管道 天沟长度:40~50m,i=0.003
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