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第一单元 田野考古的基础理论 第二单元 野外调查发掘技术 第三单元 室内整理与编写报告
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电影是在现代人的眼皮底下诞生的现代艺 术。诞生于科学家的实验室 1895年12月28号法国人卢米埃尔兄弟在 巴黎一家咖啡馆的地下室首次向社会公映了《工 厂大门》《火车进站》等十二部电影短片,这 天后来被公认为电影的诞生日。 电影是什么?电影是活动影像的艺术,是 人类古老的审美愿望与科学技术的结晶。 1910年,意大利的卡努杜发表《第七艺术 宣言》,宣称电影是继建筑、音乐、绘画、雕塑、 诗和舞蹈之后人类的“第七艺术”,是一种时空 综合艺术,是运动的造型艺术
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1.长波近似和电偶极跃迁 原子辐射光和吸收光是很常见的现象,并且是人们认识原子结构的重要手段。原子向外发出光辐射 有两种方式:受激辐射和自发辐射。严格来说,这些过程都要用量子电动力学(把电磁场量子化)的理 论来处理,但是在一定的条件下,用量子力学来处理光的吸收和受激辐射也可以得到很好的结果
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一.填空(每空1分,共20分) 请按下面空中的编号顺序写出答案。 1.设一离散无记忆信源的输出由四种不同的符号组成,它们的出现概率分别为1/2、1/4、 1/8、1/8,则此信源平均每个符号包含的信息熵为bit符号若信源每毫秒发出一 个符号,那么此信源平均每秒输出的信息量为②bits
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1.了解有机化学的发展简史,激发学生的学习兴趣和求知欲 2.掌握共价键理论及其在有机化学上的应用 3.了解研究有机物的一般方法及分类
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一.概述 重要性:历史上两次诺贝尔化学奖都直接与色谱研究相关 1948年瑞典 Tiselins科学家因电泳和吸附分析的研究获奖; 1952年英 Martin国的和Syge因发展了分配色谱获奖
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重点内容:人民币的法律地位及其法律保 护,人民币发行制度以及人民币流通制度, 人民币现金收付、使用及其监督管理制度
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The PD Process coordinates the specific research activities such as product design, process development, engineering plant design, marketing strategy and desig with the aim of producing an integrated approach to the development of new products. The overall aim is to create a product that an individual consumer or a food manufacturing company or food service organisation will buy. The two parts of product development-the knowledge of the consumer's needs/wants and the knowledge of modern scientific discoveries and technological
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Product development does not occur in isolation as a separate functional activity. It is a company philosophy, a basic company strategy and a multifunctional company activity. In recent years to show this all-encompassing basis, bringing together product, process, marketing and organisational innovations, there has been development of an overall innovation strategy. This innovation strategy is related to the company's overall business aims and strategy, as well as the social, economic and technological environment, and the company's own knowledge and skills. The business strategy also includes a duct strategy outlining the products of the future. The combination of the innovation and product strategies is the basis for the product development strategy, and from this can be developed
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Consumers are the centre of product development in the food industry, directly in the design of consumer products and indirectly in the design of commodity products and industrial products. In industrial product development, the emphasis is on the immediate customer, but consideration needs to be given to the acceptance of the final product by the consumer. It is important in product development to understand basic consumer behaviour and food choice as well as the individual product/consumer relationship(Earle, 1997). Differences among
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