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目的与要求 理解古希腊法哲学思想 对西方法哲学思想发展的影响。 了解苏格拉底的守法观; 重点掌握柏拉图的法哲学思想的发展,思考 与讨论柏拉图与孔子之比较; 了解亚里士多德的法治论
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上海交通大学:《中国现代诗歌导读》课程教学资源(讲稿)09 “用身体思想”——读穆旦的爱情诗
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第一节社会主义民主政治建设 一、没有民主就没有社会主义
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沟通( commun i cation)是指人们之间传 达思想情感和交流信息情报的过程
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1, Veblen and Leisure Class 2, What is institution? 3, Property Rights and Institution 4, Contract and Transaction Cost 5, Institutions and Reversal of Fortune 6, Case Study and Conclusion
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1, Several Principles of Marxism 2, Karl Marx and Political Economy 3, Liberalism VS. Marxism 4, Dependency in World Economy 5, Dependency and its Consequences
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1, Voting in Public Choice 2, Rational Politicians 3, Rational Bureaucracy 4, Rent Seeking 5, Collective Action 6, Experimentation 7, The Conservative Critics
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1, Cases 2, Brief Ideas of Liberalism 3, Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus 4, Hayek and the Denationalization of Money 5, Friedman and Economic Freedom 6,Conclusion
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