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分类和命名: 一、分类: 根据分之中羧基的数目:
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一、硝基化合物RNO2ArNO2 物性:
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R为饱和烃脂。C17:硬脂酸;C15:软脂酸 油脂CH- -OOCR为不饱和烃时——油 CH2 OOCR 鲸虫蜂 蜡r-c-OR(高级脂肪酸,高级醇
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上海交通大学:《有机化学》教程教学资源(英文讲稿)06 Stereochemistry
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四川大学化学学院:《有机化学 Organic Chemistry》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第三章 立体化学 Stereochemistry
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1、学习甲烷、乙烯和乙炔的实验室制法; 2、验证烷烃、烯烃和炔烃的性质
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4.1 Addition of hx to Alkenes. p100 Hydrohalogenation General reaction mechanism: electrophilic addition Attack of electrophile(such as hBr)on T bond of alkene Produces carbocation and bromide ion Carbocation is an electrophile, reacting with nucleophilic bromide ion
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This handout describes standard extraction and washing protocols that can be applied to virtually any crude reaction mixture. Aqueous washings are done to remove water soluble impurities from organic products since normally the compound that you desire will be dissolved in Reference
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