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Techniques Checklist m manifold use Manipulations under an inert atmosphere Solvent de-gassing Pre-Lab Discussion and required reading: Air sensitive techniques
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1. volumetric Techniques: Don' t let inaccuracy hold you back in lab! This video introduces the proper methods for measuring precise volumes of liquid using pipets, burets, volumetric flasks, and syringes
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the Peach Get in the Banana?\ Techniques Checklist: Setting up distillation glassware correctly .Performing atmospheric pressure distillations Using Gas Chromatography(GC)to analyze samples Pre-lab Discussion and Required Reading:
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一、硝基化合物RNO2ArNO2 物性:
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R为饱和烃脂。C17:硬脂酸;C15:软脂酸 油脂CH- -OOCR为不饱和烃时——油 CH2 OOCR 鲸虫蜂 蜡r-c-OR(高级脂肪酸,高级醇
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分类和命名: 一、分类: 根据分之中羧基的数目:
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What is an alkyl halide An organic compound containing at least one carbon-halogen bond (C-X) X(F, Cl, Br, Replaces h Can contain many C-X bonds
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一、诱导效应 结构特征( 传递方式 传递强度 相对强度 二.共轭体系 1.共轭体系与共轭效应
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第十一章羧酸及其衍生物 1.完成下列各组反应,写出主要的反应产物:
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