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The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank 1 818H Street Nw Washington D. C. 20433. U.S.A The World Bank enjoys copyright under protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. This material may nonetheless be copied for research, educational, or scholarly
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Persons freedom to communicate, and their ability to do so effectively, has long been recognized as a crucial component of a society that respects human dignity and provides the conditions for humans to flourish. Government actions that suppress persons'speech and other forms of communication have been rightly subject to scrutiny and challenge Governments have also recognized the importance of affirmative steps to enhance persons opportunities for communications, such steps include improving education and supporting public forums. Communication is not only a personal and political good
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任务一 了解广告调查 任务二 广告调查的程序与方法 任务三 设计广告调查问卷与撰写报告 项目四 广告策划与创意
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第一节 广告创意的内涵 第二节 广告创意理论 一、USP理论 二、BI理论 三、定位理论 四、CI理论 五、ROI理论 六、共鸣论 第三节 广告创意思维 第四节 广告创意的技法和策略
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第一节 公共关系传播的基本原理 一、公共关系文书的概念及其分类 二、公共关系文书的写作特点 三、公共关系文书的语言要求 第二节 公共关系传播的规律和技巧 一、请柬 二、信函 三、简报 四、广告 五、新闻 六、演讲稿 七、公关工作计划 八、公关调查报告
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第一节 广告预算的概念与费用内容 第二节 影响广告预算的主要因素 第三节 广告预算的编制方法 第四节 广告预算的分配策略
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第一节 广告的起源与发展 第二节 广告的内涵及其构成要素 第三节 广告的功能与类型 第四节 广告学研究的内容和对象
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Numerous empirical studies have demonstrated that asset prices react rapidly, if at all, to news published in the mass media. In many cases, the information has been discounted and prices have already moved upon primary publication through news wires, press releases or firm announcements. Any remaining information is usually quickly priced in after
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In this paper we discuss the role of the media in pressuring corporate managers and directors to behave in ways that are \socially acceptable. Sometimes this coincides with shareholders' value maximization others not. We provide both anecdotal and systematic evidence that media affect companies' policy toward the environment and the amount of corporate resources that are diverted to the sole advantage of controlling shareholders. Our results have important consequences for the focus of the corporate governance debate and for the feasibility of reforms aimed at improving corporate governance around the
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The first part of this paper explores whether aggregate media coverage was different for internet IPOs as opposed to a matching sample of non-internet IPOs in the late 1990s. So we read all news items that came out between 1996 through 2000 on 458 internet IPOs and a matching
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