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Hypothalamic-pituitary- thyroid axis Hypothalamus TRH Stimulation Inhibition Free Hormone-> ←Bound Hormone
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定义 除心脏瓣膜病、冠心病、高血 压心脏病、肺心病和先心以外,以 心肌病变为主要表现的一组疾病
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The term vasculitis refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized pathologically by evidence of blood vessel inflammation and clinically by a diverse set of symptoms and signs
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一、Types of lupus Discoid Systemic Drug -induced-
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(一)掌握本病实验室检査特点、诊断要点及治疗原则。 (二)熟悉本病临床表现,急、慢性IP的鉴别。 (三)了解本病的发病原理
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概念 胃痛,又称为胃脘痛,是由于 脾胃受损、气血不调所引起的胃 脘部疼痛
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General Considerations Disorders of hemostasis defects in platelet number or function problems in fibrin clot (coagulation) Bleeding due to platelet disorders is typically mucosal or dermatologic include epistaxis, gum bleeding, menorrhagia, gastrointestinal bleeding, purpura, and petechiae
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一、概述 定义 腹痛:胃脘以下、耻骨毛际以上 的部位发生疼痛。 脏腑气机不利,经脉失养
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(一)掌握出血性疾病的分类、出血特点、实验室检查及诊断 (二)熟悉正常的止血和凝血机制。 (三)了解治疗原则
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General Considerations Disorders of hemostasis defects in platelet number or function problems in fibrin clot(coagulation) Bleeding due to platelet disorders is typically mucosal or dermatologic include epistaxis, gum bleeding menorrhagia, gastrointestinal bleeding purpura, and petechiae
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