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Short History of Distribution Packaging in the USA Distribution packaging emerged in the 1800s as the industrial revolution blossomed and manufacturers began shipping their goods nationwide via railroad. Paper did not enter the distribution arena as protective packaging until the early 1900s, when corrugated boxes first appeared as shipping containers
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Introduction Packaging can be unnecessarily expensive in a couple of ways: 1. Inadequate design results in shipment damage 2. Over-design or poor design (more protection than is required or materials being incorrectlyused) results in excessive material cost. The procedure can be broken down into seven basic steps
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What is Packaging? 1. A definition of packaging Packaging is best described as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, distribution, storage, retailing, and use of the goods 2. The many things a package might be asked to do Packaging is a complex, dynamic, scientific, artistic, and controversial business function Fundamental function of packaging: contain protects/preserves transports informs/sells
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一、钻孔 1.工艺特点 (1)钻孔是孔的粗加工方法; (2)可加工直径0.05~125mm的孔; (3)孔的尺寸精度在IT10以下; (4)孔的表面粗糙度一般只能控制在Ra12.5μm 对于精度要求不高的孔,如螺栓的贯穿孔、油孔以及螺纹底孔,可直接采用钻孔
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一、零件的基准及其分类什么是基准? 基准就是用来确定生产对象上几何要素间的几何关系所依据的点、线、面
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一、对金属切削机床的基本要求 1. 机床的性能方面 (1)工艺范围是指机床适应不同加工要求的能力
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一、对金属切削机床的基本要求 1.机床的性能方面 (1)工艺范围 是指机床适应不同加工要求的能力
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一、孔的分类 按孔的形状分: 圆柱形孔一般孔和深孔(长径比>5) 圆锥孔 螺纹孔 成型孔方孔、六边形孔、花键孔
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一、公差与配合的基本概念 1.有关“尺寸”的术语和意义 (1)尺寸 尺寸是用特定单位表示长度的数字
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一、测量系统的一般组成 信 号——反映物体运动状态的物理量,含有物体的有关信息。 以作为信号的物理量命名,表明信号的特性,如电信号、光信号、力信号、磁信号等等
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