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1 The Number-Picking Game Here is a game that you and I could play that reveals a strange property of expectation. 3, First, you think of a probability density function on the natural numbers. Your distri- bution can be absolutely anything you like. For example, you might choose a uniform distribution on 1, 2, ... 6, like the outcome of a fair die roll. Or you might choose a bi- probability, provided that,...,n. You can even give every natural number a non-zero nomial distribution on 0, 1 he sum of all probabilities is 1
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The expectation or expected value of a random variable is a single number that tells you a lot about the behavior of the variable. Roughly, the expectation is the average value, where each value is weighted according to the probability that it comes up. Formally, the expected value of a random variable r defined on a sample space s is: (B)=∑R()Pr(o) To appreciate its signficance, suppose S is the set of students in a class, and we select a student uniformly at random. Let r be the selected student's exam score. Then
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A prolapse is a downward or forward displacement of one of the pelvic organs from its normal location. *A variety of terms are used to describe female genital prolapse. *A cystocele is a downward displacement of the bladder. *A cystourethrocele is a cystocele that imcludes the urethra as part of the prolapsing organ complex
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assets An asset is a commodity that provides a flow of services over time. +E.g. a house, or a computer. .A financial asset provides a flow of money over time -a security
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Cloning vectors: 克隆载体 to clone a gene in a vector Expression vectors: 表达载体 to express a gene from a vector Integration vectors: 整合载体 to integrate a gene in a genome through a vector Cloning vectors 1 Plasmid vecters 2 Bacteriophage vectors 3 Cosmids & BACs 4 Eukaryotic vectors Cloning vectors: allowing the exogenous DNA to be inserted, stored, and manipulated mainly at DNA level. expression vectors: allowing the exogenous DNA to be inserted, stored, and expressed
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定义设A是数域K上一个n阶方阵,g(x)是K上一个m次多项式.如果g(A)=0,则g(x) 称为方阵A的一个化零多项式 Hamilton-Cayley-定理设A是数域K上的n阶方阵,f是A的特征多项式,则f(A)=0. 证明A在C内相 Jordan似于形矩阵J,即有c上可逆阵T使TAT=J显然对任意正 整数k
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2006年9月笔试试卷参考答案 一、选择题 (1)D)(2)A)(3)C)(4)B)(5)D)(6)C)(7)D)(8)B) (9)B)(10)A)(11)D)(12)A)(13)C)(14)B)(15)D)(16)D) (17)D)(18)B)(19)C)(20)A)(1)B)(22)C)(23)D)(24)C) (25)A)(26)C)(27)D)(28)B)(9)B)(30)A)(31)D)(32)B) (33)A)(34)B)(35)D)
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2.6.1分块矩阵的乘法,准对角阵的乘积和秩 1、矩阵的分块和分块矩阵的乘法 设A是属于K上的m×n矩阵,B是K上n×k矩阵,将A的行分割r段,每段分别包 含m,m2,,m,个行,又将A的列分割为s段,每段包含nn2,n个列。于是A可用 小块矩阵表示如下: A1A12… A=4424
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ADC和DAC是沟通模拟电路和数字电路的桥梁,也可称之为两者之间的接口。本章重点是模/数转换器与数/模转换器在转换系统中的应用与地位。数/模转换器的原理及其电路,D/A转换的速度和转换精度,模/数(A/D)转换过程中的取样、保持、量化、编码。V-T变换型、双积分式A/D、并联比较式A/D、串并型A/D转换器。 • 8.1 概述 • 8.2 D / A转换器 • 8.3 A / D 转换器
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1 Motivation The Poisson problem has a strong formulation a minimization formulation and a weak formulation T weak formulations are more general than the strong formulation in terms of regularity and admissible data SLIDE 2 The minimization/weak formulations are defined by: a space X; a bilinear The minimization/weak formulations identify ESSENTIAL boundary conditions NATURAL boundary conditions ed in a The points of departure for the finite element method are the weak formulation(more generally) the minimization statement (if a is SPD) 2 The dirichlet problem 2.1 Strong Formulation Find u such that
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