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L14: 14 Lectures past and 1 1 to go Part 'The cell as a well-stirred bioreactor topICs Lambda phage lysis-lysogeny switch Synthetic genetic switch Switches as memory storage Chemotaxis: perfect adaptation or not? Synthetic genetic oscillators
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Ethics and stakeholders sTakeholders: people or groups that have an interest in the organization Stakeholders include employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, and others Stakeholders often want different outcomes and managers must work to satisfy as many as possible Ethics: a set of beliefs about right and wrong. Ethics guide people in dealings with stakeholders and others, to determine appropriate actions Managers often must choose between the conflicting interest of stakeholders Irwin/McGraw-Hill CThe McGran-Hill Companies, Inc, 2000
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The nucleus is the biggest and most important organelle of the cell. The presence of the nucleus is the principal feature that distinguishes eukaryotic from prokaryotic cells Almost eukaryotic cells have the nucleus except mature red blood cells of mammals and sieve cells of high plants etc.. By housing the cell's genome, the nucleus serves both as the repository of genetic information and as the control
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Introduction Many policies center around whether the tax burden is distributed fairly. Not as simple as analyzing how much in taxes each person actually paid, because of tax-induced changes to price
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The Global environment oIn the past, managers have viewed the global sector as closed Each country or market was assumed to be isolated from others Firms did not consider global competition, exports oToday's environment is very different managers need to view it as an open market Organizations buy and sell around the world Managers need to learn to compete globally Irwin/McGraw-Hill CThe McGran-Hill Companies, Inc, 2000
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In this lecture we will look at some other common systems of coordinates. We will present polar coordinates in two dimensions and cylindrical and spherical coordinates in three dimensions. We shall see that these systems are particularly useful for certain classes of problems Like in the case of intrinsic coordinates presented in the previous lecture, the reference frame changes from point to point. However, for the coordinate systems to be presented below, the reference frame depends only on the position of the particle. This is in contrast with the intrinsic coordinates, where the reference frame is a function of the position, as well as the path
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:685.5KB 文档页数:79 Reaction of amide with formaldehyde 10.3.2 Catalysis Theory of proton catalysis Theory of Louis-acid Catalysis 10.3.3 Reaction on the agents of amide/ formaldehyde with cellulose 10.4 Principle of anti-crease 10.5 Quality of finished fabric 10.6 其它整理方法 10.7 Finish of lower formaldehyde and super lower formaldehyde as well as non-formaldehyde
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1. Lipids encompass a large and diverse group of organic compounds 1.1 Lipids are broadly defined as biological molecules that are soluble in organic solvents. 1.1.1 Lipids are usually extracted from biological materials by nonpolar solvents like ether, chloroform(氯仿), benzene(苯). 1.2 The biological functions of lipids are diverse. 1.2.1 Certain lipids(e.g., triacylglycerols(三脂酰甘油), commonly called fats) serve as efficient reserves for the storage of energy
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Operations used for the treatment of wastewater in which change is brought about by means of or through the application of physical forces are known as physical unit operations. Because physical unit operations were derived originally from observations of the physical world. they were the first treatment methods to be used. Today, physical unit operations, as shown on Fig. 5-1, are a major part of most wastewater
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Concept of plant nutrition Plant nutrition is a term that takes into account the interrelationships of mineral elements in the growth medium as well as their role in plant growth
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