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Washington & Lee Public Law and Legal Theory Research Paper Series Working Paper No. 01-03 November 2000 ENHANCING THE SPECTRUM: MEDIA POWER, DEMOCRACY, AND THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS
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Statistical and Economic Approaches to Legal History (Forthcoming in UNIV. OF ILL. L. REV. (2002)) Daniel Klerman USC Law and Economics & Law and Public Policy Research Paper No. 02-6 LAW AND ECONOMICS RESEARCH PAPER SERIES
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1. The present paper is intended to inform and stimulate discussion about the rule of law, with a focus on issues that are important for the development and maintenance of effective criminal justice systems. It will be seen that there are differing concepts of the rule of law and that taken broadly it covers a very wide range of legal and social issues. To permit discussion on a uniform basis, the paper
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Word List 1. ban [bAn] (banned; banning)禁止, 取缔 (书刊等) (to prohibit esp. by legal means or social pressure.) Smoking is banned in school. 在学校禁止吸烟
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Discussions of corporate governance reform often combine prescriptions for legal reform with prescriptions for better governance practices. Both sets of prescriptions-for better law and for better practices-typically focus on the board of directors, and particularly outside or \independent\directors. The assumption is that the law can affect the governance behavior of the board by establishing roles for outside directors and by
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1 Intellectual property The Dutch legal system of intellectual property rights is highly determined by European legis lative initiatives. Both the European Directive on software protection and the European Directive on Data base protection have been implemented into Dutch law. This implied a Iment of the Copyright Law as well as the introduction of sui generis law on the protection for those databases that do not meet the requirement of under the Dutch Copyright
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Section I: Conception of IEL Section: Sources of IEL Section Basic Principles of IEL Section-iv: Relationship Between-IEL and other legal branches
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