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Part One General Introduction to International Economic Law One General Introduction to International Economic Law Two International Economic Organizations Tree Transnational Corporation Part Two Legal System of International Trade Four General Introduction to Legal System of International Trade Five Law of International Sale of Goods Six Transportation and Insurance Concerning International Sale of Goods Seven Legal System of Government Control on International Trade Part Three Legal System of International Technology Transfer Eight General Introduction to Legal System of International Technology Transfer (Trade) Nine International Licensing Contract Ten Legal Regulation to International Technology Transfer Part Four Legal System of International Direct Investment Eleven General Introduction to Legal System of International Direct Investment Twelve Legal Forms of International Investment Thirteen Domestic Laws Concerning Transnational Investment Fourteen International Treaties Concern
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INTRODUCTION I CONSIDERING LEGAL ORIGINS A The Classic Differences B Legal Origins and Financial Progress i Protecting M inority Stockholders via Fiduciary Duties 2 Overregulating Financial M arkets C The Differences Erode D Can Legal Origin Anchor Law as the Primary Cause? II STATE POWER AND LEGAL ORIGIN IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY A The Rise of the Regulatory State in the Twentieth Century B The Power of the State i A Timeline of State Power in the Twentieth Century 2 Timelines of Government Budgets, Government Transfers, and Financial M arkets 3 Regulating Financial and Labor M arkets 4 Instruments and Power C Which System Regulates Securities M arkets M ore? i Regulatory Budgets 2 T he S E C 4 II REEXAMINING THE DATA: DO POLITICAL ECONOMY DIFFERENCES BETTER EXPLAIN FINANCIAL DIFFERENCES? A Reexamining Legal Origins as Predicting Ownership Separation in the W ealthy W est i Corporate Law, Legal Origin, and Legislative Policy 2 The World W ars 3 Invasions and Military Occupation: The Tw
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1. Chinese Legal Tradition 1. Chinese Legal Tradition 2. The Modernization of the Chinese 2. The Modernization of the Chinese Law 3.The legal system of modern China: The legal system of modern China: Court System, Judge System, Trial Court System, Judge System, Trial System and others System and others
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Safety regulations Security legal system Safety management system China's safety production legal system 《New Safety Production Law》
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1. Introduction This section discusses the legal protection of information and the security issues of computer data and electronic information systems and is organised into four parts: First, it focuses briefly on the basic conceptual distinction between information and data, providing a basis of understanding of the primary object of legal and technical means of protection. Second, access to Government information will be discussed
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KEEPING LEGAL HISTORY MEANINGFUL Richard H. pildes For nearly a generation after the end of reconstruction, conventionally identified as the 1876 disputed Presidential election and subsequent withdrawal of federal troops from the South black Americans' political participation remained surprisingly robust. Even in the 1890s, half of black men continued to vote in key gubernatorial races in Southern states
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Describe the differences between legal and ethical issues in EC. 2. Understand the difficulties of protecting privacy in EC. 3. Discuss issues of intellectual property rights in EC
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I THE EVIDENCE ON CONVERGENCE A Formal Legal Change B The Structure of Share Ownership C The Growth of European Stock Markets D The Emergence of an International Market for Corporate Control E A Preliminary Evaluation F The Status of the Insider-Dominated Firm II WHEN DOES SEPARATION OF OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL ARISE? A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE A The United States Experience 1 The Role of Investment Bankers 2 The New York Stock Exchange as Guardian of the Public Investor B The British Experience C A Civil-Law Contrast: The French Experience D The German Experience: Statist Intervention That Stunted the M arket E A Preliminary Summary III\ DOES LAW MATTER?\ RECONSIDERED A Law and the Decentralized Common-Law World B The Sequence of Legal Change: Reinterpreting LLS&V 1 The United States Experience 2 The Global Experience C The Political Theory of Dispersed Ownership D Implications for Transitional Economies IV C ONCLUSION
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Richard Posner wrote in 1986 that the law and economics movement is “perhaps the most important development in legal thought in the last quarter century.”0 Through its application of economic theories and methodologies to legal issues, this movement has revolutionized our understanding of many areas of common law and statutory regulation. Curiously, however
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I. IP Protection in China 1. Domestic Legal System 2. International Protection II. Enforcement of IP Right (Litigation in China with special reference to remedy measures) 1. Administrative Enforcement 2. Judicial Remedy Cases
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