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1.Samba 简介 SMB(Server Message Block)是 1987 年 Microsoft 和 Intel 共同制定的网络通讯协议, 它与 Unix/Linux 下的 NFS(Network File System)在功用上是相似的,都是让用户端机器能 够通过网络来分享文件系统,但是 SMB 比 NFS 功能强大而且复杂
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Outline Network Layer and Internetworking The TCP/IP protocol suit ATM MPLS
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An interesting property of an M/M/1 queue, which greatly simplifies combining these queues into a network, is the surprising fact that the output of an M/M/1 queue with arrival rate λ is a Poisson process of rate
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Queueing Systems Used for analyzing network performance In packet networks, events are random Random packet arrivals
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Computer networks are geographically distributed collections of communication links and switching proces￾sors, the purpose of which is to transport data between computers, workstations, and terminals. In general the elements of a computer network must follow compatible rules of operation together to function effectively. These rules of operation are known as protocols
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94.1 Databases Database Abstraction • Data Models • Relational Databases • Hierarchical Databases • Network Databases • Architecture of a DBMS • Data Integrity and Security • Emerging Trends 94.2 Rule-Based Expert Systems
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Wet milling of cereal grains differs fundament￾ally from dry milling in being a maceration process in which physical and chemical changes occur in the nature of the basic constituents - starch, protein and cell wall material - in order to bring about a complete dissociation of the endosperm cell contents with the release of the starch granules from the protein network
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基于人工神经网络( Artificial Neural Network)的控制(ann-based Control)简称神经控制(Neural Control)。神经网络是由大量人工神经元(处理单元)按照一定的拓扑结构相互连接而成的一种具有并行计 算能力的网络系统。它是在现代神经生物学和认识科学对人类信息处理研究的基础上提出来的,具有很强 的自适应和学习能力、非线性映射能力、鲁棒性和容错能力
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内分泌系统是重要的调节系统,以体 液调节的方式,对机体新陈代谢、生长发 育和繁殖等起着重要的调节作用。 内分泌系统受到神经系统和免疫系统 的影响,三者相互作用,共同组成一个网 络,即神经-内分泌-免疫网络(Neuro￾endocrin-immune network)
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Find the four Y parameters of the network shown in Fig
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