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§3-1 Work(功) §3-2 Kinetic Energy(动能)and The Law of Kinetic Energy(动能定理) §3-3 Conservative Force(保守力) & Potential Energy of Weight Elastic Potential Energy (弹性势能) Universal Gravitational Potential Energy §3-4 Conservation of Mechanical Energy(机械能) §3-5 The Conservation of Energy
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5.1 Introduction 5.2 Energy Balance 5.2.1 Energy Balance Equations 5.2.2 Calculations of Various Energy 5.2.3 Methods and Approaches 5.3 Thermal effects 5.3.1 Thermal in Physical changes 5.3.2 Thermal in Chemical changes 5.4 Examples of Energy Balance 5.5 Calculation of Consumption of Coolant, heating source and other energy 5.5.1 Coolant and Heating source frequently￾used 5.5.2 Consumption of Coolant and Heating source 5.5.3 Consumption of fuel 5.5.4 Consumption of Electric Energy 5.5.5 Consumption of Compressed air 5.5.6 Calculation of Sucking rate Vacuumed
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Energy and the Relative Stability Kinetic energy is the energy an object has because of its motion. Potential energy is stored energy. It exists only when an attractive or repulsive force exists between objects
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Chapter 8 Energy and Conservation Law 1. Work and Energy 2. Kinetic Energy(能)&work- Energy Principle 3. Conservative(保守) and Noncons Forces 4. Potential Energy(势能) 5. Conservation Snarav
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• Importance of cosmological perturbations • Dark energy models • Dark energy perturbations • Dark energy coupling to CMB photons I • Dark energy coupling to CMB photons II • Conclusions
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Introduction to water-energy nexus Water-energy nexus in wastewater treatment plant Water-energy nexus in drinking treatment plant Water-energy nexus in the Residential Sector
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3.1系统的宏观和微观储存能 Macroscopic and microscopic energy of system 3.2热量、功量及质量引起的能量传递------传递中的能量 Energy transfer by Heat, Work and Mass 3.3热力学第一定律与闭口系统的能量平衡方程 The first law of thermodynamics and Energy balance equation of closed system 3.4开口系统的能量平衡方程 Energy balance equation of open system 3.5稳态稳定流动的能量平衡 Energy balance for steady-flow systems 3.6工程中的几种稳态稳定流动装置 Some steady-flow engineering devices
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In this lecture, we will revisit the principle of work and energy introduced in lecture D7 for particle dynamics, and extend it to 2D rigid body dynamics. Kinetic Energy for a 2D Rigid Body We start by recalling the kinetic energy expression for a system of particles derived in lecture D17
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Chapter One Introduction Heat: Heat is a kind of energy, Which occurs in the transfer process. (the transferred energy contains the orderly work and disorderly heat) Energy: Concept of energy is used to specify the state of a system in thermodynamics Heat Transfer: kind of application science, is concerned with analysis of the rate of heat transfer taking place in system, or with the research on the heat-transfer reqularity
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Chap. 14: Energy in Thermal Processes Solids, liquids or gases have internal energy t Kinetic energy from random motion of molecules translation rotation vibration
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