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97.1 Computer and Communications Security Physical Security Cryptology Software Security Hardware Security Network Security Personnel Security 97.2 Fundamentals of Cryptography Central Paradigms Pseudorandomness Zero-Knowledge
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Before – IT and New Organization – Management Information Systems and Applied Software From Now – Information Technology for Management – Managing Information Systems: Approach to New Organization
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1 Intellectual property The Dutch legal system of intellectual property rights is highly determined by European legis lative initiatives. Both the European Directive on software protection and the European Directive on Data base protection have been implemented into Dutch law. This implied a Iment of the Copyright Law as well as the introduction of sui generis law on the protection for those databases that do not meet the requirement of under the Dutch Copyright
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or Circuit analysis and Design gregory rollins uction. DC(Steady-State) Analysis. AC Analysis. Transient Process and device simulation Process simulation associates. Inc. Peter Bendix 13.2 Parameter Extraction for Analog Circuit Simulation Introduction. MOS DC Models. BSIM Extraction Strategy in LSI Logic Corp
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Welcome to the wonderful new world of e-Text! With its Acrobat 4.0 software shell, e-Text links page files of your textbook and study guide with each other, along with other valuable digital and online resources, to create a non-linear learning experience that's fast, effective and fun
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Computer technologies have been changing the environment of engineering design-enabling MDO Hardware: Advances in processor speed, memory and storage Software: Powerful disciplinary analysis and simulation programs(e.g. Nastran, Fluent...)
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一、掌握软件的生命周期的基本术语与知识; 二、了解软件工程的发展趋势; 三、了解软件设计方法; 四、了解软件安全的有关知识; 五、掌握复杂定语(从句)的翻译技巧
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软件工程是过去十年中人们普遍关注的焦点。软件过程与软件工程不完全同义。 2.1 Software Engineering-A Layered Technology 软件工程定义 (1)是为了经济地获得可靠的和能在实际机器上高效运行的软件而建立和使用的好的工程原则。这是 Fritz Bauer在NATO会议上给出的定义
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一、硬件( Hardware) 控制器、运算器 存储器 输入设备和输出设备 软件(Software)
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1. The trends of computer hardware and software 2. Basic characteristics of modern computers 3. Major characteristics of the four generations of modern computers 4. 了解科技英语的特点,掌握科技英语翻译要点
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