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1. Continuous-time system 2. Discrete-time system
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59.1 Introduction 59.2 Fossil Power Plants Fuel Handling Boiler.Turbine.Generator. Electric System· Condenser Stack and Ash Handling·Cooling and Feedwater System 59.3 Nuclear Power Plants
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:590.94KB 文档页数:47
The output y[n] of a frequency-selective LTI discrete-time system with a frequency response exhibits some delay relative to the input x[n] caused by the nonzero phase response of the system
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惯性系 Inertial system 非惯性系 noninertial system 惯性力 Inertial force 万有引力 universal gravitation 万有引力定律 law of universal gravitation 引力常量 gravitational constant
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Operation of Valve System VVT—Toyota's Continuously Variable Valve Timing VTEC—Honda Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control MIVEC—Mitsubishi Innovative Valve timing Electronic Control Electronic Valve Control System Smart Valves
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1.3 What is a processor 1.4 Memory system
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Theorem 3.7. (Elementary Transformations). The following opera- tions applied to a linear system yield an equivalent system: ()Interchange: The order of two equations can be changed. (2)Scaling: Multiplying an equation by a nonzero constant. (3)Replacement: An equation can be replaced by the sum of itself and a nonzero multiple of any other equation
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1. Thermodynamic System 热力系统 2. Properties of A System 系统的状态参数 3. State and Equilibrium 状态及平衡状态 4. Process and Cycles 过程与循环
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Digestive System Can you enjoy your life without your digestive system?
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1.5 input/output system 1.6 buses and controllers
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