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第一章 当代世界经济 第二章 当代世界政治 第三章 当今世界时代主题与建立国际新秩序 第四章 发达资本主义国家的经济与政治 第五章 战后发展中国家的经济与政治 第六章 战后社会主义国家的经济与政治 第七章 独联体成员国与冷战后东欧国家的经济与政治 第八章 中国与当代国际社会
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Pre-Reading activities Text New Word reading Text A: Language points Newspaper Reading Exercise Check-up ssignment
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cellular[' se j u13]a.细胞(状)的,蜂窝状的,单元的 mobile[' mou a i l,' mou i()1]a.运动的,流动的,机动的,装在车上的 deploy[di' p iJv.;n.展开,使用,推广应用
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:32KB 文档页数:1
Word14 implementi mp manvt.实现,完成成 subscriber szh' ra) traffic[t raf]n.通讯(量),业务,信息量 architectural[a:ki 't ktfa ral]a.建筑上的,结构上的 denote[di' vt.表示,意味着 node[.节点
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:100.5KB 文档页数:9
Do Children Learn By Imitation? Stages of first language learning a. one word Apple. (I would like to have an apple. This is an apple.) b. two words Daddy, apple. C. more words Doggy sit here
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:43KB 文档页数:5
Exercises about Units 6-10 Dictation IL. Cloze Test: Fill in each blank of the following passage with an appropriate word 1. The aim of education is to stimulate impulses, encourage free thinking and boldness in thought and keep alive various interests. But the single sex(1) by following the ple uniform structure and(2) a separate curriculum for males and females does anything but this. 3) of being provided with a rich expansion of experience, students are only(4) to a segment of knowledge. Such a form of education interferes (5)
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:629.5KB 文档页数:56
Teaching Outline Duty report dictation Background information Pre-reading questions Passage analysis style and thesis development writing techniques word derivations language points Going beyond the text(group activities) Homework Weekly quiz
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:685KB 文档页数:53
Teaching Outline Background information Pre-reading questions Passage analysis Style and structure Spellings Word derivations Language points Useful expressions Weekly quiz
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