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A prolapse is a downward or forward displacement of one of the pelvic organs from its normal location. *A variety of terms are used to describe female genital prolapse. *A cystocele is a downward displacement of the bladder. *A cystourethrocele is a cystocele that imcludes the urethra as part of the prolapsing organ complex
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病因 一、遗传基因缺陷 二、环境因素 三、母体因素 四、胎盘内分泌功能不足 五、免疫因素
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外阴及阴道的自然防御功能 两侧大阴唇自然合拢,遮掩阴道口、尿道口 由于盆底肌的作用,阴道口闭合,阴道前后壁紧 贴,可以防止外界的污染。经产妇的阴道松弛, 这种防御功能较差 ·阴道自净作用阴道上皮在卵巢分泌的雌激素影 响下增生变厚,增加对病原体侵人的抵抗力,同 时上皮细胞中含有丰富糖原,在乳杆菌(优势菌) 作用下分解为乳酸,维持阴道正常的酸性环境 (pH≤4.5,多在3.8~4.4),使适应于弱碱性环境 中繁殖的病原体受到抑制
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At the beginning of the 20th century diabetic women suffered from- infetility, and the rare women achieving pregnancy faced a poor prognosis. Maternal death'was a real threat,and perinatal survival a more 40 percent
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定义 一、受精卵着床于子宫体腔内膜外任何部位。 二、与习称宫外孕( extrauterine pregnancy)有区别
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INFERTILITY Infertility affects1 15% of reproductive age couples. Infertility is defined as a couple's failure to conceive following 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse. reproductive age
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Incidence Heart disease complicates about 1 percent of pregnancies. Component congenital heart disease rheumatic heart disease hypertensive heart disease other varieties (inclued: pregnancy-induced hypertension
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子宫内膜癌 子宫内膜癌-(carcinoma of endometrium)又称子宫体癌 (carcinoma of corpusuteri) ,是指子宫内膜发生的癌,绝大多 数为腺癌。为女性生殖道常见三 大恶性肿瘤之一
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卵巢肿瘤概述 现状 一、女性生殖器三大肿瘤之一 二、近20年发病率上升20倍 三、诊断和治疗研究进展缓慢 四、工业化发展+节制生育----潜在病因 五、卵巢组织复杂,各种肿瘤均可发生 六、2/3患者,就诊时已是晚期 七、死亡率70%,5年生存率20-30%
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Labor: the process by which contractions of uterus expel the fetus. Delivery receive the neonate
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