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4.1 引言 4.2 基2FFT算法 4.3 进一步减少运算量的措施 4.4 分裂基FFT算法 4.5 离散哈特莱变换(DHT)
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3.1 离散傅里叶变换的定义 3.2 离散傅里叶变换的基本性质 3.3 频率域采样 3.4 DFT的应用举例
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一、不正当竞争的概念、特征: 1、概念:«巴黎公约»:即指在工商业领域任何与诚实商业惯例相悖的竞争行为均构成不正当竞争行为
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一、专利: 1、权利人对某项发明创造所享有的专利权。 2、被授予专利权的发明创造本身。 3、有时也指记载发明创造内容的专利文献。狭义仅指专利权
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一、起源与发展: 世界知识组缩写为:WIPO我国于1980年6月3日成为联合国世界知识产权组织的正式成员国
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一、财务报表分析和报告 二、财务分析应用与解释 三、杜邦分析体系、EVA以及上市公司财务报表
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Prelude to Comprehensive Analysis Steps in Analyzing Financial Statements Explicitly define the analysis objectives Formulate specific questions and criteria consistent with the Macintosh PICT analysis objectives image format is not supported Identify the most effective and efficient tools of analysis
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Earnings Persistence Recasting and Adjusting Earnings persistence is a key to effective equity analysis and valuation Analyzing earnings persistence is a main analysis objective
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Liquidity and Working Capital Basics Company Liquidity refers to the ability to meet short- term obligations Liquidity is the ability to convert assets into cash or to obtain cash Short term is the longer of one-year or the company operating cycle
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