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Hydrogels in drug delivery Control of drug release kinetics by hydrogel structure6, Release from stable hydrogels is controlled by diffusion of solute through the network Diffusion is described by Fick,s second law
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Lecture 9: Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels Last Day: Physical hydrogels Structure and chemistry Toda polyelectrolyte hydrogels, complexes, and coacervates rolyte multilayer theory of swelling in ionic hydrogels Reading S.K. De et aL., 'Equilibrium swelling and kinetics of pH-responsive hydrogels: Models experiments, and simulations
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Lecture 6: Biodegradable Polymers for Tissue Engineering Last time: enzymatic degradation of solid polymers Engineering biological recognition of polymers Toda Designing polymers for tissue engineering Reading
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Lecture 7: Hydrogel Biomaterials: Structure and Physical Chemistry Last Day: programmed/regulated/multifactor controlled release for drug delivery and tissue engineering
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Example: HIV-1 DNA vaccine delivered with boosters to elevate Ab titers2: Mechanical and electrical devices that can provide digitized release typically require larger devices and surgical implantation(e.g. Pharm. Res. 1, 237(1984); also have high cost
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Lecture 3: Degradable Materials with Biological Recognition Last time: Theory of hydrolytic polymer erosion Enzymatic degradation of polymers Designing Biodegradable Macromolecules Today: Biological recognition in vivo Engineering biological recognition of biomaterials: cell adhesion/migration Reading: S.E. Sakiyama-Elbert and J.A. Hubbell, 'Functional Biomaterials: Design of Novel
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Biological recognition in vivo Engineering biological recognition of biomaterials: adhesion/migration peptides Engineering biological recognition of biomaterials: enzymatic recognition and cytokine Reading S.E. Sakiyama-Elbert and J.A. Hubbell, Functional Biomaterials: Design of Novel
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遗传学诞生后,在二十世纪的上半叶,人们建立了基因遗传的染色体理论,认为基因存在于染色体上。但没有对基因的化学本质作出回答。 基因必须表现三种基本的功能: (1)遗传功能即基因的复制:遗传物质必须贮存遗传信息,并能将其复制且一代一代精确地传递下去。 (2)表型功能即基因的表达:遗传物质必须控制生物体性状的发育和表达。 (3)进化功能即基因的变异:遗传物质必须发生变异,以适应外界环境的变化,没有变异就没有进化
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基因作为遗传信息单位,位于染色体上,控制生物的 性状发育。 DNA是携带生物遗传信息的载体,是遗传的分子基础 基因表达就是将基因携带的生物信息释放出来,供细胞利 用的过程,或将生物的遗传信息作为性状或特征表现出来 的过程。 通常所说的基因表达指基因指导蛋白质合成的过程
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三、填空题 1 由核糖核苷酸通过 键连接而成的一种
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