简介:学生已学完普通物理力学课程(教材: Halliday et al, Fundamentals of Physics, Sixth edition,2001, John Wiley& Sons Inc或其它),实际上已掌握了理论力学课程中矢量力学部分的若干内容。本课 程要求以较少时间复习与学习矢量力学,以掌握其核心内容;大部分时间放在学习分析力学上面
Evicting einstein ScienceaNASa a physics experiment on the drawing board for the International Space Station could help find the grand unifying\Theory of Everything March 26, 2004: Sooner or later, the reign of Einstein, like the reign of Newton before him, will
Radiation from a Uniformly Accelerated Charge and the Equivalence Principle Stephen Parrott Department of Mathematics University of Massachusetts at Boston