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Satellite communications Architecture Identify Requirements Specify architectures Determine link data rates Design Size each link Document your rationale
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Ground system design Col John Keesee 6/17/2004 Lesson objective The student will Be able to list the functions performed by a space systems ground support system 2. Know factors in ground station design 3. Know components of ground station
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Outline Purpose of thermal control systems Review of heat transfer fundamentals Space system thermal analysis equations Models Analysis programs Thermal control sub-systems
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The telemetry, tracking and control subsystem provides vital communication to and from the spacecraft TT&c is the only way to observe and to control the spacecraft's functions and condition from the ground October 29 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Autonomy Technologies Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery Planning & Scheduling Intelligent Data Understanding Path Planning Gradient method
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Why Cost Estimation? Critically important part of system design Too high- lose the contract award Too low-over-run cost plus contracts, company loss on fixed price contracts Trends Design to cost Cost as an independent variable
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Deployment and Geometry Maintenance Deployable Membranes Used for solar arrays, sunshields, decoys Being researched for apertures starting at RF and eventually going to optical Inflatables First US satellite was inflated (ECHO D) Enables a very large deployment ratio -=deployed over stowed dimension
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Earth Orbiting Clusters Edmund M C Kong SSL Graduate Research Assistant Prof david w. miller Director, MIT Space Systems Lab Space 2001 Conference& Exposition Albuquerque August28-30,2001
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ADCS Motivation Motivation Sensors GPS star trackers. limb In order to point and slew optical sensors rate gy ros. inertial systems, spacecraft attitude control measurement units provides coarse pointing while
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Introduction Objective: To compare the different imaging configurations for a Separated Spacecraft Interferometer operating from an Earths orbit
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