What is Pragmatics We human beings are odd compared with our nearest animal relatives. Unlike them, we can say what we want when we want. All normal humans can produce and understand any number of new words and sentences
L. Austin How to do things with words. Locutionary Acts Saying something about something Illocutionary acts Doing something by saying something Perlocutionary Acts
I What is Pragmatics Pragmatics is the study of language usage from a functional perspective and is concerned with the principles that account for how meaning is communicated by the speaker (writer) and interpreted by the listener (reader) in a certain context
Language is a system of symbols ymbols are objects, events, speech sounds, written forms, gestures, which humans attach meaning Symbols operate in changing fields of social relationships symbols are multivocal --enables a wide range of
PSyCholinguistics-a dead disciplne! term coined in 1954 [Osgood] aim: to describe the exact operation of the brain during the production or processing of language psychology PSycho
Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics Psycholinguistics: study of language acquisItion, Storage, comprehension, and production Neurolinguistics: study of the neural and electrochemical bases of language development and use