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As a human being, one can hardl ve without love and that fact has been much love as possible, Because, with ev self-evident. With sincere or faithful love eryone showing a bit of love, our world you can easily get over the difficulties and will become warmer and more beautiful hardships you come across. Moreover
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tolerate pain better, and thus recover fast Whether a person with an incurable With the two opposite opinion illness should be kept in the dark or he cussed above. it is clear that neither of should be told about the truth has long
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a sign of progress in the management of China is faced with the problem of To solve the problem, the Re-em- laid-off workers. By the end of June 1998, according to official reports, there government, most important of all, needs were 7. 1 million layoffs nationwide
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With the miraculous economic take- Twenty years are but a blink of an off brought about by the 20 years of eye in the long history of mankind, bu form and opening-up, Chinese people these two decades of reform and opening living conditions improved significantly
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dollars, just next to that of Japan. This enabled China to stand the As shown by Graph 1, the exchange trials of the Asian financial crisis, shield rate of the yuan(RMB) fell dramatically ing the renminbi from devaluation
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colorful life, the looser environment, yet From primary school to college, stu the more creative minds of the future stu dents, teachers and parents -all are dents. Our education, so to spea struggling for high scores. This is because bring up a new generation the current education system is not aimed at students' quality, but only at develop- tests. As a result
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way too much to keep rear service run even more serious. With the enlargement of college enrollment, rear service falls far ning,and a serious waste of money and energy on rear service is always a heavy behind the need. At the same time, due burden which delays the development of to its large staff and consumption, it has
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As can be seen from the cartoon, the nese characteristics and has put herself on person in bed was seriously harmed by the the road to p rosD poisonous carbon monoxide caused by the ke of reform and opening
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xample, if you are suddenly very sick deep at night with nobody to turn to for Today more and more taxis are seen help in an unfamiliar place, taxi is always in China. It often happened in the past available to help you to go to a hospital that we had to wait for hours until we fi As a result, there is a sharp increase taxis In eing squee
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vantages. In fact the bus system does not provide frequent stops and the low Many people appreciate the conve- he bus stops is sometimes not so conve niences of private cars. A private car gives nient. And a private car also has many more comfort and mobility and enables a problems, such as too much harmful car person to go when and where he wants
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