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Companies hire researchers, license ideas, generate much useful data that aren’t always published, and fund scholarships. Famil￾iarity with the corporate mindset, structure and resources can help you obtain what you need and avoid problems you don’t want. All Companies Are the Same?
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Air Buoyancy Akin to water keeping something afloat, samples can be “lifted” by air, artificially decreasing their apparent weight. This air buoy￾ancy can have a significant effect on smaller samples. Electrostatic Forces Electrostatic charges are almost always present in any environ￾ment, particularly in areas with very low humidity. If there are
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What Do You Know About Your Target? The sensitivity needs of your system are primarily determined by the abundance of your target, which can be approximated according to its origin. Plasmids, cosmids, phagemids as colony lifts or dot blots, and PCR products are usually intermediate to high-abundance targets. Genomic DNA is considered an intermediate to low-abundance target. Most prokaryotic genes are present as single copies, while genes from higher eukaryotes
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The principle of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was first reported in 1971 (Kleppe et al., 1971), but it was only after the dis￾covery of the thermostable Taq DNA polymerase (Saiki et al., 1988; Lawyer et al., 1989) that this technology became easy to use
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troduce different notations. Some consider “NTP” a general term for deoxynucleotides, but the absence of the letter “d” indicates a ribonucleotide to others. Commercial literature also describes ribonucleotides as “RTP’s.” If the letter “d” is present, the name describes a deoxynucleotide. If “d” is absent, check the literature
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In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, primary RNA transcripts undergo various alteration or processing events to become mature RNAs: The three commonest types are: 1, nucleotide removal by nucleases; 2, nucleotide addition to the 5’- or 3’-end, 3, nucleotide modification on the base or thesugar
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压强低于一个标准大气压的稀薄气体空间称为真空.在真空状态下,由于气体稀薄, 分子之间或分子与其它质点之间的碰撞次数减少,分子在一定时间内碰撞于固体表面上的 次数亦相对减少,这导致其有一系列新的物化特性,诸如热传导与对流小,氧化作用少, 气体污染小,汽化点低,高真空的绝缘性能好等等.真空技术是基本实验技术之一,真空 技术在近代尖端科学技术,如表面科学、薄膜技术、空间科学、高能粒子加速器、微电子 学、材料科学等工作中都占有关键的地位,在工业生产中也有日益广泛的应用. 薄膜技术在现代科学技术和工业生产中有着广泛的应用.
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金力教授简介 人类分子遗传学家、教育部“长江学者奖励计划”讲座教授、复 旦大学生命科学学院院长。1985年复旦大学生物系遗传专业本科毕业, 1987年复旦大学遗传学专业硕士毕业,1994年获德克萨斯大学遗传学 博士学位,1994年至1996年在美国斯坦福大学医学院从事博士后研究。 曾任德克萨斯大学助理教授、副教授、辛辛那提大学医学院教授。现 兼任中科院-马普计算生物学伙伴研究所所长,国家人类基因组南方
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动态诱导效应是一种暂时的效应,不一定反映在分子的物理性质上,不能由偶极矩等物理性质的测定来比较强弱次序。比较科学、可靠的方 法是根据元素在周期表中所在的位置来进行比较 (1)在同一族元素,由上到下原子序数增加 ,电负性减小,电子受核的约束减小,电子的活动性、可极化性增加,动态诱导效应增强
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第一节 食品超微粉碎技术 第二节 食品微胶囊技术 第三节 食品膜分离技术 第四节 食品分子蒸馏技术 第五节 食品超临界萃取技术 第六节 食品超高压技术 第七节 食品微波技术 第八节 食品冷冻加工技术 第九节 食品加热与杀菌技术 第十节 食品挤压与膨化技术 第十一节 食品生物技术
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