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Chapter 15 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Develop large programs incrementally using multiple objects from object categories controller, storage, application logic, and user interface. Develop large programs that are extensible and modifiable by applying polymorphism and inheritance effectively in program design. Document how the methods in the classes are related by using method call sequence diagrams
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Chapter 13 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Write GUI application programs using Frame, Dialog, and Button objects from the java. awt package. Write GUI application programs with menus using Menu, MenuItem, and MenuBar objects from the java.awt package. Write event-driven programs using Java's delegation- based event model. Write GUI application programs that process mouse events
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Chapter 11 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Include a FileDialog object in your program to let the user specify a file. Write bytes to a file and read them back from the file using FileOutputStream and FileInputStream. Write values of primitive data types to a file and read them back from the file using DataOutputStream and DataInputStream
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Chapter 9 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter you should be able to Manipulate a collection of data values using an array. Declare and use an array of primitive data types in writing a program. Declare and use an array of objects in writing a program. Describe how a two-dimensional array is implemented as an array of arrays. Manipulate a collection of objects using a vector. Use MultiInputBox object from the javabook package to input an array of strings
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Chapter 7 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Implement repetition control in a program using while statements. Implement repetition control in a program using do- while statements. Implement repetition control in a program using for statements
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Chapter 5 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Define an applet with multiple methods. Incorporate a simple event-handling routine to an applet to process input. Construct input-processing applets using Label, TextField, and Button objects from the java.awt package. Convert string data to numerical data
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Chapter 3 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Select proper types for numerical data. Write arithmetic expressions in Java. Evaluate arithmetic expressions using the precedence rules. Describe how the memory allocation works for objects and primitive data values. Write mathematical expressions using methods in the Math class
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Chapter 1 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Name the basic components of object-oriented programming. Differentiate classes and objects. Differentiate class and instance methods. Differentiate class and instance data values
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One of the merits of the notion of sequential equilibrium is the emphasis on out-of- equilibrium beliefs-that is, on beliefs (about past and future play)at information sets that should not be reached if given equilibrium is played. The key insight of extensive-form analysis is that out-of-equilibrium beliefs deter. mine equilibrium behavior. For instance, consider the simple two-stage entry deter- rence game in which potential entrant decides whether to enter a market or stay out, and the incumbent decides whether to fight or acquiesce after the entrant's move
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ome of the theoretical exercise I will assign are actually well-known results; in other cases you may be able to find the answer in the literature. This is certainly the case for the current My position on this issue is that, basically, if you look up the answer somewhere it's your problem. After all, you can buy answer keys to most textbooks. The fact is, you will not
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