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1. Ich bin a)deine b)deiner c)deinem d)deinen 2. Habt ihr Aufenthaltserlaubnis schon beantragt? a)ihre b)Ihre c)euer d 3. Der D-Zug nicht in Koblenz a)halt b) halt c) haltet d)halten
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(1)(2)B(3)D (4)D (5)B 6)b(7) (8)B (9)D(10)D (11)(12)B(13)B(14)C(15)A
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一、FLAC3D软件简介 二、FLAC3D的基本原理 三、FLAC3D的前后处理 四、流-固耦合分析 五、接触单元与应用 六、完全非线性的动力分析 七、自定义本构模型的基本方法 八、结构单元及应用
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In this lecture, we consider the motion of a 3D rigid body. We shall see that in the general three dimensional case, the angular velocity of the body can change in magnitude as well as in direction, and, as a consequence, the motion is considerably more complicated than that in two dimensions. Rotation About a Fixed Point We consider first the simplified situation in which the 3D body moves in such a way that there is always a point, O, which is fixed. It is clear that, in this case, the path of any point in the rigid body which is at a
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In lecture D9, we saw the principle of impulse and momentum applied to particle motion. This principle was of particular importance when the applied forces were functions of time and when interactions between particles occurred over very short times, such as with impact forces. In this lecture, we extend these principles to two dimensional rigid body dynamics. Impulse and Momentum Equations Linear Momentum In lecture D18, we introduced the equations of motion for a two dimensional rigid body. The linear momen- tum for a system of particles is defined
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一、单项选择题 1.c2.a3.c4.c5.d6.b7.b8.a9.a10.d 11.d12.d13.c14.c15.a16.b17.c18.b19. 二、多项选择题 1. ABCD 2. ABCD 3. AC 4. ABCD 5. ABCD 6.ABD
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类似于一元函数的广义积分对于二元函数也有两 类广义二重积分.即可分为积分区域无限与被积函数无 界两种下面只研究无界区域上的二重积分的计算方法 定义3设D是xoy面上的无界区域,f(x2y)在D上连续且G 是D上的任意一个闭区域上若G以任何方式无限扩展且 趋于D时,均有limf(x,y)dxdy=1
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类似于一元函数的广义积分对于二元函数也有两 类广义二重积分.即可分为积分区域无限与被积函数无 界两种下面只研究无界区域上的二重积分的计算方法 定义3设D是xoy面上的无界区域,f(x2y)在D上连续且G 是D上的任意一个闭区域上若G以任何方式无限扩展且 趋于D时
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第六章循环控制 6.1选择题 【题6.1】设有程序段 int k=10; while(k=0) k=k-1; 则下面描述中正确的是 ) while循环执行10次 B)循环是无限循环 C)循环体语句一次也不执行D)循环体语句执行一次 【题6.2】设有以下程序段 int x=0, s=0; while(!x!=0)=+x; printf(%d,s); 则 A)运行程序段后输出0 B)运行程序段后输出1 C)程序段中的控制表达式是非法的D)程序段执行无限次
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