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石河子大学:《有机化学》课程PPT教学课件(化学专业)第11章 醛和酮
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石河子大学:《有机化学》课程PPT教学课件(化学专业)第10章 醇酚醚
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第一节 脂环烃的分类和命名 第二节 环烷烃的性质 第三节 环烷烃的结构和稳定性 第四节 环己烷的构象 第五节 多环烃
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第一节 炔烃-炔烃的结构 第二节 二烯烃 第三节 共轭效应 第四节 速度控制与平衡控制
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12.1 Introduction Systems that have a p orbital on an atom adjacent to a double bond---molecules with delocalized pi￾bonds– are called conjugated unsaturated systems
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15.1 Electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions These reactions are of the general type shown below;
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Except for formaldehyde, the simplest aldehyde, all aldehydes have a carbonyl group, C=O, bonded on one side to a carbon, and on the other side to a hydrogen. In ketones, the carbonyl group is situated between two carbon atoms
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17.1 The acidity of the α-hydrogens ofcarbonyl compounds: Enolate ions
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Compounds having two carbonyl groups separated by an intervening carbon are called β-dicarbonyl compunds, and these compounds are highly versatile reagents for organic synthesis
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Carbodydrares: polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones or substances that hydrolyze to yield polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones. Monosaccharides: simple carbohydrates cannot be hydrolyzed into smaller simpler carbohydrates
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